Game console project on STM32 controller and ILI9341 display. Contains two games: pac-man and arkanoid
GCC (gcc-arm-none-eabi) version 5.4.1 20160919
Download GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain,Arm%20Cortex%2DR%20processor%20families or
Download Windows Build Tools binaries (Make, cp, rm, echo, sh...)
Add paths to the PATH environment variable in Windows
Подробная статья:
Prototreads AD v1.4
VS Code file Pac-ManGame.code-workspace
To make the release project , run makeProject.bat (OR make -j cmd command)
To make the debug project , run makeProjectDebug.bat (OR make -j1 debug cmd command)
To clean the project, run makeClean.bat (OR make clean)
Open On-Chip Debugger (OCD) 0.10.0-00113-g0f83948 + GNU gdb (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors)
Run runOpenODC.bat and run terminal: telnet localhost 4444
Run runGDBserver.bat
Connect ST-Link V2 to SWD connector. Run programFlash.bat
Go to the device menu: MENU->UPDATE or CLI-> LOAD command to launch the system bootloader. Connect to PC via USB Type C. Run updateFirmware.cmd or launch STM32CubeProgrammer (select the desired COM-port and download the firmware).
UART 115200 Baud rate
Connect: PA10 - RX / PA9 - TX
Terminal configuration file: utils\TERATERM.INI
Enter help command
Cppcheck 2.10
Run RunStaticAnalysisCODE.cmd
It is possible to output the analysis result to a file
Simple unit tests are implemented in the file "unit_test.с". Unit tests are launched if the RUN_UNIT_TEST key is set or when building Debug
STM32 CubeMX
(Checkboxes checked: Enable Full Assert и Set All Free Pins as Analog)
- Black pill STM32F103C8T6 (ARM Cortex-M3; 72 МГц; FLASH 64 кБ; ОЗУ 20 кБ)
- 2.8 TFT SPI 240x320 display (ILI9341)
- Buttons К1116КП2 (Hall effect sensor) or classic buttons
- TP4056 charge module with protection
- Battery 18650 li-ion
- CH340N USB-UART module
- Active buzzer
- Printed circuit board for soldering double-sided 7*9cm
- USB-UART module (Optional for updating firmware via USB Type-C and working with CLI)
*See Altium directory
Be sure to check the BOOT0 output status on the debug board!
Case models have been added to the project in the format .stl
The magic name of the compiler gcc-arm-none-eabi means the following:
gcc - compiler name;
arm - processor architecture;
none - the compiler does not contribute any additional bootstrap code from itself;
eabi - code conforms to the EABI specification.
Work in the repository is carried out through the Git-flow branching model