Different test cases have been created for Shoplover's web application, a US-Bangla e-commerce platform. This project includes a test plan, mind map, test cases, report, bug report, and test metrics.
- Prerequisites
- Introduction
- Test Plan
- Mind Map
- Test Cases
- Report
- Bug Report
- Test Metrics
- Author
- Acknowledgment
- Xmind: For Mindmap Design
- Excel: For writing test cases.
- Google Sheets: For writing test cases.
- Google Docs: For writing different documents.
- Google Chrome: For test case execution and finding bugs. You can use any other web browser.
- Lightshot Chrome Extension:For bug screenshots.
- OBS Studio: For capturing bug videos.
ShopLover is an e-commerce web application that provides access to registered users and guest users from anywhere in the world to buy or sell their required goods. It has different interfaces, such as the admin interface, user interface, product interface, seller interface, cart and checkout interface, etc. The admin interface can be accessed by web app authorized admins; the user interface can be accessed by registered users and guest users. The purpose of the system (application) is to provide buy-and-sell services online (through the Internet). Registered users and guest users can buy and sell their products from any part of the world through the internet.
- Different test cases have been written and executed manually for this web app.
- This project includes a test plan, mind map, test cases, report, bug report, and test metrics.
There are modules, sub-modules, and features inside the mindmap.
The green boxes represent passed test cases.
The red boxes represent failed test cases.

- To document the test cases google sheets is used - Google Sheets.
No of test case passed - 54
No of test cases failed - 25
No of test cases not executed - 0
No of test cases out of scope - 1
- Check out the sample photo of test cases
GitHub is used for versioning.
- Shafin Rahman
Ehsanul Alam Sabbir
Sr. SQA Engineer L-III, Vivasoft Limited
Role and Responsibilities: Guidance, Monitoring and Test supervision