A basic python3 external built using the Max min-api
To build externals, you will need some form of compiler support on your system.
On the Mac this means Xcode 10 or higher (you can get from the App Store for free).
On Windows this means Visual Studio 2017 or 2019 (you can download a free version from Microsoft). The installer for Visual Studio 2017 offers an option to install Git, which you should choose to do.
You will also need to install a recent version of CMake (version 3.19 or higher).
In addition, you will need to install pybind11, via pip:
pip3 install pybind11
Run cmake -G Xcode ..
Next run cmake --build .
or open the Xcode project from this "build" folder and use the GUI.
Note: you can add the -j4
option where "4" is the number of cores to use. This can help to speed up your builds, though sometimes the error output is interleaved in such a way as to make troubleshooting more difficult.
You can run cmake --help
to get a list of the options available. Assuming some version of Visual Studio 2019, the commands to generate the projects will look like this:
cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" ..
Or using Visual Studio 2017 it will look like this:
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ..
Having generated the projects, you can now build by opening the .sln file in the build folder with the Visual Studio app (just double-click the .sln file) or you can build on the command line like this:
cmake --build . --config Release
On the command line you can run all unit tests using Cmake:
- on debug builds:
ctest -C Debug .
- on release builds:
ctest -C Release .
Or you can run an individual test, which is simply a command line program:
cd ..
cd tests
- mac example:
./test_dcblocker_tilde -s
- win example:
test_dcblocker_tilde.exe -s
Or you can run them with your IDE's debugger by selecting the "RUN_TESTS" target.
Continuous Integration (CI) is a process by which each code check-in is verified by an automated build and automated tests to allow developers to detect problems early and distribute software easily.
The min-pymx project applies CI using Github Actions.
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- Min Wiki For additional topics, advanced configuration, and user submissions