password for admin: username=admin; password:admin;
step 1: Install wamp server (ex. WampServer2.1e-x32)
step 2: go to your c drive see the folder "wamp" go inside find "www" directory copy 'Airline Reservation System' folder there . step 3: now run wamp server. now open browser (mozilla firefox), in url type "localhost" if you see something running now your wamp server is running else check wamp is running/. step 4.1: if wamp is running than you see 'phpmyadmin' click it now you have to save our database for ARS.follow these: step 4.2 : see a form in body area 'create new database here you type database name as "airlines"(*important) step 4.3 :after doing that just see sql in body part , now open DATABASE.sql in notepad copy the code and replace the query pasting it now click 'go'. now you can run the website go to url- localhost click 'Airline reservation system' . enjoy! --- Rahul Sharma