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BloodFlow is a full-stack Blood Donation Application built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack. The platform connects blood donors with those in need, making the donation process more accessible and efficient.

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BloodFlow (Every Drop Counts, Every Life Thrives)

BloodFlow Live Page


BloodFlow is a MERN stack-based Blood Donation Application designed to connect blood donors with recipients efficiently. It features donor registration, blood donation requests, donor management, content management, and role-based access control to ensure a seamless and secure experience. Built with React, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB, the platform enables easy authentication, real-time updates, and streamlined donation processes. "Every Drop Counts, Every Life Thrives."

Admin Credentials:

Live Site URL:

Features of BloodFlow:

  1. User Role Management:

    • Supports three roles: Donor, Volunteer, and Admin.
    • Admin can manage user roles and statuses efficiently.
  2. My Donation Requests:

    • Donors can view all their donation requests in a well-organized table.
    • Includes filtering options by status (Pending, In-progress, Done, Canceled).
  3. Donation Request Management:

    • Users can edit or delete their requests.
    • Status management for donation requests, including marking as "Done" or "Canceled."
  4. All Users Page (Admin Panel):

    • Admins can view all users in a tabular format.
    • Advanced filtering options (Active, Blocked).
    • Admin actions include blocking, unblocking, role changes (e.g., Donor to Volunteer).
  5. Content Management System:

    • Admins can add, edit, and manage blogs.
    • Blog status management (Draft, Published) with a rich-text editor for content creation.
  6. Responsive and User-Friendly Design:

    • Fully responsive across devices.
    • Styled using TailwindCSS and DaisyUI for a modern look.
  7. Real-Time Updates:

    • Integrated TanStack Query for efficient data fetching and refetching.
    • Axios for seamless API communication.
  8. Secure Authentication:

    • JWT-based authentication for secure user sessions.
    • Role-based access control to ensure data protection.
  9. Dynamic Filtering and Search:

    • Dropdown filters and search functionality for an improved user experience.
  10. Robust API Integration:

    • Back-end communication via RESTful APIs.
    • Scalable design for future enhancements.

Technical Highlights:

  • Frontend Technologies: React, Axios, TanStack Query, TailwindCSS, DaisyUI.
  • Backend Technologies: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB.
  • Additional Libraries: React Hot Toast, SweetAlert2, Jodit-react, React Icon
  • Hosting: Hosted on netlify for frontend and varcel for backend.


Below is a list of dependencies used in the BloodFlow project. To install all required dependencies, run:

npm install

Main Dependencies:

Package Version Description
@headlessui/react ^2.2.0 UI components without styling
@stripe/react-stripe-js ^3.1.1 React integration for Stripe payments
@stripe/stripe-js ^5.5.0 Stripe.js for handling payments
@tanstack/react-query ^5.64.2 Data fetching and state management
axios ^1.7.9 HTTP client for API requests
daisyui ^4.12.23 Tailwind CSS components
firebase ^11.1.0 Google Firebase integration
jodit-react ^5.0.10 Rich text editor
prop-types ^15.8.1 Type checking for React props
react ^18.3.1 JavaScript library for UI development
react-date-range ^2.0.1 Date picker component
react-datepicker ^7.6.0 Another date picker library
react-dom ^18.3.1 React DOM rendering package
react-helmet-async ^2.0.5 Managing document head changes
react-hot-toast ^2.4.1 Notifications for React
react-icons ^5.4.0 Popular icons for React
react-router-dom ^6.23.0 Routing for React applications
react-spinners ^0.15.0 Loading spinners for UI feedback
recharts ^2.15.0 Charting library for React
sweetalert2 ^11.15.10 Alert dialogs and modals

Development Dependencies:

Package Version Description
@eslint/js ^9.17.0 ESLint configurations
@types/react ^18.3.18 Type definitions for React
@types/react-dom ^18.3.5 Type definitions for React DOM
@vitejs/plugin-react ^4.3.4 React plugin for Vite
autoprefixer ^10.4.20 CSS vendor prefixing
eslint ^9.17.0 JavaScript linter
eslint-plugin-react ^7.37.2 ESLint plugin for React
eslint-plugin-react-hooks ^5.0.0 ESLint rules for React hooks
eslint-plugin-react-refresh ^0.4.16 ESLint rules for React Refresh
globals ^15.14.0 Global variables for ESLint
postcss ^8.4.49 CSS post-processing
tailwindcss ^3.4.17 Utility-first CSS framework
vite ^6.0.5 Fast build tool for modern web apps

To install dependencies separately, use:

npm install <package-name>

Installation and Setup:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd blood-flow-client
  3. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  4. Configure environment variables:
    • Add a .env.local file with necessary keys (e.g., database URI, JWT secret).
  5. Start the development server:
    npm run dev

Contribution Guidelines:

  • Fork the repository and create a new branch for your feature.
  • Submit a pull request with detailed information about your changes.

"Every drop counts, every life thrives" — Join us in saving lives through BloodFlow.


BloodFlow is a full-stack Blood Donation Application built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack. The platform connects blood donors with those in need, making the donation process more accessible and efficient.





