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My personl Bash Customization

Short Description

Those who don't want to install and configure any other shell like the zsh or the fish shell, want to stay in the default bash, also want to make the experience of the bash more easy, can easily install this configuration. Just simply run the script. It will install some necessary packages and a github repo. And then you can enjoy the configuration.

Here are some screenshos



A short video


Before Installation

Make sure you install any of the nerd font's and set that font in your terminal, so that the prompt look nice. I suggest to use the JetBrains Mono Nerd Font. Just visit Here and download the font and install it using your Font Manager. Then set the font in your Terminal.


  1. Shortcuts
  2. Some functions for install, uninstall, check updates, update packages and so on
  3. Syntax Highlighting
  4. Auto Suggestions
  5. Fuzzy finder
  6. Supports transient prompt like 'zsh'
  7. Tree view of directories, files and sub directories
  8. Memorizing the directories
  9. Command spell correction
  10. Git branch name and left commits
  11. Some cool looking themes

Why don't you give it a try?


Direct Installation

You can directly run the command bellow and it will automaticly clone the repository and install the config. Before that make sure you have curl installed in your system. If not, simply install it using pacman, dnf, zypper or apt.

  • Run this command in your terminal:
bash <(curl

Manual Installation

  • Open terminal and run these commands.
git clone --depth=1

cd Bash
chmod +x

Edit alias & functions

Simply go to ~/.bash directory. Inside it, you will find .bashrc, alias and function file. Just edit these files and you are good to go. Also if you want to add your custom bash prompt, just go to ~/.bash/ file and add your prompt.

Command Shortcuts

1) Directory Navigation and File Management

Shortcut Command Description
cd cd Change directory. If the directory does not exist, it will ask to create it.
file touch Create a file.
rm rm -rf Remove both files and directories.
cp cp or cp -r Remove both files and directories.
srm sudo rm -rf Remove both files and directories with the sudo command

2) Updated, Install & Uninstall Related

Shortcut Command Description
cu paru/yay -Qua / checkupdates, sudo dnf check-update or sudo zypper list-updates Checks system updates (Arch, Fedora, OpenSuse. Also prints both Official and Aur updates in Arch Linux).
update paru/yay -Syyu, sudo dnf upgrade, sudo zypper update, or sudo apt-get update Updates the system packages (Arch, Fedora, OpenSuse, Debian/Ubuntu).
install paru/yay -S, sudo dnf install, zypper install, or apt-get install Install package (Arch, Fedora, OpenSuse, Debian/Ubuntu).
remove paru/yay -Rns, sduo dnf remove, sudo zypper remove, or sudo apt-get remove Uninstall package (Arch, Fedora, OpenSuse, Debian/Ubuntu).

3) Git Related

Shortcut Command Description
add git add . Add.
clone git clone Clone a repository.
cloned git clone --depth=1 Clone a repository with depth 1.
commit git commit -m Commit with a message.
push git push Push changes to the remote repository.
pushm git push -u origin main Push changes and set upstream to main.
pusho git push origin [branch] Push to a specified branch.
pull git pull origin [branch] Pull from a specified branch.
info git info Git Information.

4) Changing Style

Shortcut Command Description
style bash ~/.bash/ Execute a script that changes the style of the bash