Hugo Academic + GitHub Pages based on Starter Hugo Academic.
- Install
to build page
brew install hugo
make run
make update
make post name="my-post-article"
make news name="my-news"
make event name="my-talk"
make publication name="author20xxconf"
- Create for thumbnail image.
$ convert 'paper.pdf[0]' -resize '640x640^' -crop '640x480+0+0' -alpha remove featured.png
make ogp-image name="kitada20XXconf"
# Load fonts from "assets/fonts/"
# Load template from "assets/ogp/tcardgen-template.png" directory
# Success to generate twitter card into content/publication/kitada20XXconf/featured.png
- See the following for more details:
The code and styles are licensed under the MIT license. See project license. Obviously you should not use the content of this demo repo in your own resume. π
Disclaimer: Use of Homer J. Simpson image and name used under Fair Use for educational purposes. Project license does not apply to use of this material.