A curated list of awesome things related to shadcn-svelte
- Geist - Svelte implementation of the Geist Design System by Vercel.
- shadcn-svelte-blocks - Building Blocks for the Web. Beautifully designed. Copy and paste into your apps. Open source.
- shadcn-svelte-extras enhances existing components and adds new ones to shadcn-svelte, including specialized inputs like Phone Input and IPv4Address Input.
- ShadEditor - Highly extensible text editor for svelte made with TipTap and ShadCN UI
- TZEZAR's TABLE - Table component made in svelte
- intellij-shadcn-plugin - Add, update and delete your shadcn/ui components without leaving your IDE
- vscode-shadcn-svelte - Shadcn Svelte VSCode extension to help you install and use components directly without leaving your IDE ✨.
- svelte-changelog - A nice UI to stay up-to-date with Svelte releases
- sveltekit-auth - This is a Sveltekit Auth project. It utilizes Lucia for authentication, shadcn-svelte for ui elements, Drizzle for database connectivity and type safety, Lucide for icons, Zod and Superforms to handle forms and validation and Sveltekit.
- SvelteKit Template - Lucia for authentication, Paraglide JS dead simple i18n, Drizzle ORM for database connectivity and type safety, shadcn-svelte for beautifully designed components, Lucide for icons, Zod Type safety with Zod integration, Superforms to handle form validation and management. Formsnap Accessible form components that take SvelteKit Superforms to the next level.