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An example of on-boarding a PIO block in with duh and wake


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This branch represents the Parallel IO (PIO) block and loopback Verification IP (VIP) in their completed state. This README describes the commands for running tests and creating an FPGA bitstream.

The earlier preonboarded branch has step-by-step instructions detailing how the PIO block was created and integrated into the test socket framework.

The PIO block communicates to the CPU through an AXI4 interface. This interface is used to read from and drive the odata, oenable, and idata control registers that map to top-level ports. To integrate this block we need make the odata, oenable, and idata ports available at the top-level of design and connect the AXI4 interface to the Test Socket's periphery bus.

There is also an accompanying VIP for testing our block. The loopback VIP needs to be instantiated in the test harness and be connected to the odata, oenable, and idata pads. The loopback block outputs the xor of oenable and odata to idata.

Getting Started



  • Wit is a workspace manager
  • Use version 0.14.0
  • Please see instructions on the wit README



  • npm i duh@1.17.10

  • duh assists in IP onboarding

  • Please see instructions on duh README

  • Note: duh-scala used was 0.16.0 (32df4ab)

Other dependencies

  • riscv-gnu-toolchain
  • device-tree-compiler
    • Available via most package managers:
    • eg. Ubuntu sudo apt-get install device-tree-compiler
  • libfdt-dev
    • Available via most package managers:
    • eg. Ubuntu sudo apt-get install libfdt-dev
  • Verilog simulator
  • python3 and pip3
  • ruby v2.3.7 or later

Environment package

In order for wake to be able to provide the correct environments for jobs that need to run the above tools, you will need an environment package that provides wake job runners that can fulfill those environments for your particular system. An example is environment-example-sifive.

Initialize the workspace

# Create a workspace, this will also fetch all dependencies
wit init workspace -a
cd workspace/

# Add an environment package to provide runners for the required tools

# Resolve and fetch all transitive dependencies
wit update

# Initialize the workspace for building with wake
wake --init .

Running tests

We can run PIO simulation tests with the following command.

wake 'runSim ${dut plan}'

The run function uses the default output directory and simulator. ${workspace root}/build is the default output directory, and VCS is the default simulator.

The available simulators are VCS, VCS_Waves, Verilator, Verilator_Waves, Xcelium, and Xcelium_Waves. To run tests with a different simulator use

wake 'runSimWith ${dut plan} ${VCS|VCS_Waves|Verilator|Verilator_Waves|Xcelium|Xcelium_Waves}'

Running tests will invoke the RocketChip generator and Firrtl to generate verilog files for the selected DUT plan, gcc to compile the selected programs, and the selected simulator to run each program on its respective DUT.

Each test will create a simulation output directory with the name ${build_dir}/${dut_name}/sim/${simulator}/results/${program_name}. This directory contains sim.err and sim.out files containing the contents of stderr and stdout respectively. There is also a console.log file which is where printf prints to by default. Waveform files and any other simulation files can also be found in this directory.

Verilog files can be found in ${build_dir}/${dut_name}/verilog.

Firrtl files can be found in ${build_dir}/${dut_name}/firrtl.

bin, elf, and hex files of the test program can be found in ${build_dir}/${dut_name}/program/${program_name}.

Creating a Bitstream

We can also map our test-socket and pio block to a VC707 fpga using makeVC707TestSocketDUT. To create the bitstream, run

wake 'runBitstream "vc707" pioVC707DUT'

The bitstream will be placed at build/api-generator-sifive/pioVC707DUT/mcs/obj/VC707Shell.bit

Wrap up

Checkout branch preonboarded if you would like to go back to the beginning and see the steps used for onboarding this PIO block.