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RAG Guide

sigoden edited this page Feb 18, 2025 · 8 revisions

RAG can improve the efficacy of large language model (LLM) applications by leveraging custom data

AIChat has a built-in vector database and full-text search engine, eliminating reliance on third-party services and providing ready-to-use RAG functionality.


Document Sources

AIChat can build RAG knowledge bases from a variety of document sources.

Source Example
Files /tmp/dir1/file1;/tmp/dir1/file2
Directory /tmp/dir1/
Directory (extensions) /tmp/dir2/**/*.{md,txt}
RecursiveUrl (websites)**
Document Loader jina:

** is used to distinguish between Url and RecursiveUrl

Custom Document Loaders

By default, AIChat can only process text files. We need to configure the document_loaders so AIChat can handle binary files such as PDFs and DOCXs.

# Define document loaders to control how RAG and `.file`/`--file` load files of specific formats.
  # You can add custom loaders using the following syntax:
  #   <file-extension>: <command-to-load-the-file>
  # Note: Use `$1` for input file and `$2` for output file. If `$2` is omitted, use stdout as output.
  pdf: 'pdftotext $1 -'                         # Load .pdf file, see to set up pdftotext
  docx: 'pandoc --to plain $1'                  # Load .docx file, see to set up pandoc
  jina: 'curl -fsSL$1 -H "Authorization: Bearer <jina_api_key>"'
  # Load a git repo with
  git: >
    sh -c "yek $1 --json | jq '[.[] | { path: .filename, contents: .content }]'"

The document_loaders configuration item is a map where the key represents the file extension and the value specifies the corresponding loader command.

To ensure the loaders function correctly, please verify that the required tools are installed.

Use Reranker

AIChat RAG defaults to the reciprocal_rank_fusion algorithm for merging vector and keyword search results.

However, using a reranker to combine these results is a more established method that can yield greater relevance and accuracy.

You can add the following configuration to specify the default reranker.

rag_reranker_model: null                    # Specifies the rerank model to use

You can also dynamically adjust the reranker using the .set command.

.set rag_reranker_model <tab>
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