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Unofficial Nordigen Banking Api to retrieve account information


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Unofficial Nordigen Api (Java)

Manual workflow

This project provides a generated java api for the Nordigen Banking Api which is specified here.


The api.yaml is modified to resolve some short comings.

  • Path and UUID objects were replace to strings. Some default values were invalid which lead to exceptions
  • Some methods returned void. In these cases now the raw string response is returned
  • Enums don't include a description. This lead to parsing errors with enums


  1. This project is provided via Add the registry to your build.gradle, pom or build.gradle.kts Example build.gradle
repositories {
  maven { url '' }
  1. Add the dependecy
implementation 'com.github.simonhauck:unofficial-nordigen-api-java:2.0.1' 

Basic Setup

With version 2.0 of the api the static api key was removed and users have to request now a dynamic token. The setup for this is slightly more complicated but below is an example in Kotlin and SpringBoot. I hope this gets you started :)

  1. Create two api clients, one with and one without authentication. The authentication interceptor is implemented in step 3.
class NordigenClientConfiguration {

    @Bean(name = ["NordigenWithAuth"])
    fun createNordigenClientWithAuth(
        @Value("\${nordigen.url}") url: String,
        nordigenApiKeyInterceptor: NordigenApiKeyInterceptor,
    ): ApiClient {
        return ApiClient().apply {
            basePath = url
            addAuthorization("NordigenToken", nordigenApiKeyInterceptor)

    @Bean(name = ["NordigenNoAuth"])
    fun createNordigenClientNoAuth(@Value("\${nordigen.url}") url: String): ApiClient {
        return ApiClient().apply { basePath = url }
    // ...
  1. Create you required clients. The NordigenTokenApi client does not required authentication. All other clients require the authentication
class NordigenClientConfiguration {
    fun createNordigenAgreementsApi(@Qualifier("NordigenWithAuth") client: ApiClient): AgreementsApi {
        return client.buildClient(

    fun createNordigenTokenApi(@Qualifier("NordigenNoAuth") client: ApiClient): TokenApi {
        return client.buildClient(
    // ...
  1. Generate the code for the interceptor. Maybe its required to add the feign dependency for this explicitly in your build.gradle or pom file
class NordigenApiKeyInterceptor(
    private val nordigenTokenProvider: NordigenTokenProvider
) : RequestInterceptor {

    override fun apply(template: RequestTemplate) {
        val token = nordigenTokenProvider.getToken()
        template.header("Authorization", mutableListOf("Bearer $token"))

class NordigenTokenProvider(
    private val nordigenTokenApi: TokenApi,

    private val nordigenSecretId: String,
    private val nordigenSecretKey: String,
) {
    fun getToken(): String {
        val body = JWTObtainPair().apply {
            secretId = nordigenSecretId
            secretKey = nordigenSecretKey
        return nordigenTokenApi.jWTObtain(body).access
  1. Profit?! Now you can access the api
class ApiExample(private val agreementsApi: AgreementsApi) {

    fun endUserAgreementRequest(institutionId: String): EndUserAgreement {
        val endUserAgreementBody = getAgreementsBody(institutionId)
        return agreementsApi.createEUAV2(endUserAgreementBody)
    private fun getAgreementsBody(institutionIdentifier: String): EndUserAgreement {
        return EndUserAgreement().apply {
            institutionId = institutionIdentifier
            accessScope = listOf("balances", "details", "transactions")
            accessValidForDays = 10
            maxHistoricalDays = 20

For more code see the informations in the generated README

Generated code

The code for this project is generated with the OpenApi Generator. The generated code is in the generated directory.

Api Documentation

Please refer to this README


Unofficial Nordigen Banking Api to retrieve account information








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Contributors 3

