Manage the desktop wallpaper on macOS
This is both a command-line app and a Swift package.
It correctly handles getting the active wallpaper even when the wallpaper is set to a directory.
Requires macOS 10.14.4 or later.
brew install wallpaper
Download the binary and put it in /usr/local/bin
By default, it sets and gets the wallpaper for all screens. Use the --screen
flag to change this.
$ wallpaper
USAGE: wallpaper <subcommand>
--version Show the version.
-h, --help Show help information.
get Get current wallpaper images.
set Set image as wallpaper.
set-solid-color Set solid color as wallpaper.
screens Get a list of available screens.
$ wallpaper get --help
OVERVIEW: Get current wallpaper images.
USAGE: wallpaper get [--screen <screen>]
--screen <screen> Values: all, main, <index> (default: all)
$ wallpaper set --help
OVERVIEW: Set image as wallpaper.
USAGE: wallpaper set <path> [--screen <screen>] [--scale <scale>] [--fill-color <fill-color>]
<path> The path to the image to use as wallpaper.
--screen <screen> Values: all, main, <index> (default: all)
--scale <scale> Values: auto, fill, fit, stretch, center (default: auto)
--fill-color <fill-color>
Format: Hex color <RRGGBB>
$ wallpaper set-solid-color --help
OVERVIEW: Set solid color as wallpaper.
USAGE: wallpaper set-solid-color <color> [--screen <screen>]
<color> The color to use as wallpaper.
--screen <screen> Values: all, main, <index> (default: all)
wallpaper set unicorn.jpg
wallpaper set-solid-color 0000ff
wallpaper get
Building this requires the latest Xcode and macOS version. The package supports macOS 10.14.4 or later.
Add the following to Package.swift
.package(url: "", from: "2.3.2")
import Wallpaper
let imageURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "<path>", isDirectory: false)
try! Wallpaper.set(imageURL, screen: .main, scale: .fill)
let solidColor =
try! Wallpaper.set(solidColor, screen: .main)
print(try! Wallpaper.get(screen: .main))
See the source for more.
swift run wallpaper
swift build --configuration=release --arch arm64 --arch x86_64 && mv .build/apple/Products/Release/wallpaper .
- wallpaper - Get or set the desktop wallpaper cross-platform (Uses this binary)
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