Note: deprecated over
Currently Bazel rules_go
's linter runner nogo does not support multiple analysis.Analyzer
but require 1 analyzer per package.
This repo takes the analyzer exported as a batch from staticcheck and generate dummy packages so nogo can use it.
Minimum rules_go v0.29.0 is required
name = "io_bazel_rules_go",
sha256 = "2b1641428dff9018f9e85c0384f03ec6c10660d935b750e3fa1492a281a53b0f",
urls = [
To use this repo, you can create a hack/tools/tools.go
file with a specific build tag tools
so that it is not compiled by default. In there, you can import this repository as follow.
//go:build tools
// +build tools
// Package tools is a place holder for all golang binary toolings
// needed to maintain the repository health but is not a compilation dependency.
// The package is kept away from standard compilations by using a specific
// 'tools' build tag. Imported packages therefore could be 'main' package of
// other modules as this tools package will never be compiled.
package tools
import (
_ ""
This file could be coupled with an empty hack/tools/BUILD.bazel
file as follow so that gazelle will skip generating golang target for this tools
# gazelle:ignore
Then in your workspace, populate your go.mod
an go.sum
file as follow
> bazel run @go_sdk//:bin/go mod tidy
Then update your go_repository
targets with Gazelle
> bazel run //:gazelle -- update-repos -from_file=go.mod <extra flags here>
This should give you 2 important go_repository
targets: co_honnef_go_tools
and com_github_sluongng_staticcheck_codegen
as follow
# Note that this repo uses several malfunction packages as testdata
# so we need to tell Gazelle to skip those packages when generate BUILD files
# Don't forget to update this to latest 'version' and matching 'sum'
name = "co_honnef_go_tools",
build_directives = [
"gazelle:exclude **/testdata/**", # keep
importpath = "",
sum = "<some-hash>",
version = "<staticcheck-version>",
name = "com_github_sluongng_staticcheck_codegen",
importpath = "",
sum = "<some-hash>",
version = "<latest-version>",
Then you can setup your nogo
target in your build file as follow
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "nogo")
load("@com_github_sluongng_staticcheck_codegen//:def.bzl", "SENSIBLE_ANALYZERS")
name = "nogo",
config = "nogo_config.json",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
Note that you need to provides your own nogo_config.json
This repo does provide a default config file but it's not recommended to use it
from this repo directly as @com_github_sluongng_staticcheck_codegen//:nogo_config.json
there will be needs to add in your own config/allowlist in the future.
For this reason, go to nogo_config.json file and copy it to your repository. Then you can customize it to your liking (i.e. allow excluding some paths from certain checks).
Implement automatic generation/update of def.bzl by using buildtools library.
Tidy up the code