A MDF 4.x Reader (for now)
3 flavours:
- .NET Core/.NET 5
- .NET 4
- MATLAB (proxy using .NET 4)
- Reading MDF 4.x
- Reading MDF 4.x fast (> 500Mb/s)
- Reading partial sets (e.g. sample 0 - 100 or 1e15 - 1e16) without loading everything into memory
- The ability to fully load
your common measurements
™ into memory (some 1-digit GB-sized files should just work™) - Minimal dependencies
- Writing (for now, until I have an idea how the API should look)
- Reading and writing MDF files is so fundamentally different that it makes sense to implement it separately
- Anything but "Numeric-Channels" (read: what is convertable to double)
- Helpers to get Enum-Strings etc. might be added
- Reading unsorted files
- Sample buffers for numeric channels in unmanaged memory
- Easier to interop with other stuff
- Less pressure on the GC
- 64bit only, no async-IO
- Memory-Mapped-Files are easier to work with for fragmented files like these.
- https://github.com/ebiggers/libdeflate as inflate library as the .NET DeflateStream is just slower.
- Reading the files I have access to works, others might not.
- This is a very early stage, API and internals might change.
- ~ Half of the blocks are not yet implemented1 (properly)
- Only linear and rational conversions are implemented1
- Only host-byte order is implemented1
1: mostly because I don't have access to validation data/example files
FH Block - File History Block -
SD Block - Signal Data Block
DV Block - Data Values Block
LD Block - List Data Block
AT Block - Attachment Block
CH Block - Channel Hierarchy Block
EV Block - Event Block
CA Block - Channel Array Block
DI Block + everything else "invalidation"
- SR, RD, RV, RI Blocks
- Only relevant for plotting.
- Not avaliable in all measurements so a fallback has to be implemented anyway.
- Can be calculated on the fly if neccessary.
- Validate some example files
- Add option to disable/limit/set threading
- Maybe do an alternative stream interface for remote files?
- Implement missing blocks
- Add time based sample access
- Port the LOD Buffer to .NET?
- Support MDF 3.x
- Clone this repo, reference the project in your solution.
static void Main(string[] args)
using var mf4 = Mdf4File.Open("cool_measurements.mf4");
var example = mf4
.FirstOrDefault(k => k.Name.ToLower().Contains("rpm_channel"));
var samples = Mdf4Sampler.LoadFull(example, example.Master);
var data = samples[0].GetSpan<double>();
var time = samples[1].GetSpan<double>();
// use the samples for something.
- Use The
to get a little bench/stats output
-- File Info........
# Groups in file : 561
# Channels in file : 11649
-- Data.............
Bytes loaded : 238,131 MB
Bytes decompressed : 1,495 GB
Samples loaded : 968,543 Msamples
Read speed : 75,732 MBps
Parse speed : 487,097 MBps
Sample speed : 308,023 MSps
Allocations : 7,566 GB
Bytes processed : 7,799 GB
Bytes processed/s : 2,479 GBps
-- Times............
Full load time : 3,1s
Time opening : CPU:28ms RT: 15ms/43ms
Block creation : CPU:363ms RT: 16ms/534ms
BLI construction : CPU:431ms RT: 45ms/476ms
Raw copies : CPU:10235ms RT: 569ms/3143ms
Inflate/Transpose : CPU:6833ms RT: 571ms/3143ms
SampleReading : CPU:19210ms RT: 561ms/3144ms
Allocations : CPU:344ms RT: 559ms/3131ms
-- Parser stuff.....
Format version 4.10
Block MdfBlockCA: 0
Block MdfBlockCC: 2485
Block MdfBlockHD: 1
Block MdfBlockLD: 0
Block MdfBlockMD: 11653
Block MdfBlockRD: 0
Block MdfBlockSD: 0
Block MdfBlockCG: 561
Block MdfBlockDG: 561
Block MdfBlockCH: 0
Block MdfBlockFH: 3
Block MdfBlockDI: 0
Block MdfBlockRI: 0
Block MdfBlockSI: 12210
Block MdfBlockDL: 732
Block MdfBlockHL: 507
Block MdfBlockCN: 11649
Block MdfBlockSR: 0
Block MdfBlockAT: 1
Block MdfBlockDT: 207 (zipped: 136604)
Block MdfBlockDV: 0
Block MdfBlockEV: 1
Block MdfBlockRV: 0
Block MdfBlockTX: 56926
Block MdfBlockDZ: 136604
- To use with MATLAB:
%% Add Net assembly
%% open a random file
file = MdfToolsMatlab.MdfApi.Open("sample.mf4");
%% create a sampler object
smp = file.CreateSampler()
%% populate the sampler object
% returns the number of added channels
%% print all names in the current sampler
% .NET lists are 0 based!
for k = 0:smp.Channels.Count-1
cname = smp.Channels.Item(k).Name.string;
gname = smp.Channels.Item(k).Group.Name.string;
disp([cname gname])
%% Load the sample data
% returns the buffers (and keeps a internal reference)
% second load does only return the data
% the list contains all buffers including time channels etc.
buffers = smp.Load()
%% get the data
signal = smp.FindBuffer("engrpm");
rpm = signal.Data.double';
time = signal.MasterData.double';
%% do something with the data
plot(time, rpm)
%% clear the list to free the memory
%% dispose the file