T-Rex UI is a React component library that contains of reusable Docusaurus theme components. It aims to unify the components across SWM documentations.
Install the package in your project directory with:
npm install @swmansion/t-rex-ui
To use components in your project you need to simply import them from the package in appriopriate folder, just as in example below:
import { PaginatorNavLink } from '@swmansion/t-rex-ui';
export default PaginatorNavLink;
To make it easier to implement and test new features, we've provided example documentation. The documentation instantly reflects changes made to the library. To get started:
- Run
- In
runyarn watch
- In
runyarn start
- When changes are made do
docs should rebuild.
Sometimes when you "swizzle" a Docusaurus component, it may not recognize the changes and instead use a cached old version of the component rather than the one from the package.
If have used some component from @swmansion/t-rex-ui
and doesn't see any changes, please rebuild your project using:
yarn build
For now following components are available:
- Admonition
- ColorModeToggle
- DocCard
- DocItem
- DocSidebar
- DocSidebarItem
- DocSidebarItems
- Logo
- PaginatorNavLink
- ThemedImage
- TOCCollapsible
- TOCItems (including TOCItems and TOCItemTree)