Aplikácia na zjednodušenie prihlasovania na preteky zo stránky: https://members.eob.cz/
git clone https://github.com/sokolpezinok/orientacny-beh
cd orientacny-beh
npm install
Starts the Vite development server.
npm run dev
Builds the production version using Vite.
npm run build
Previews the production build locally.
npm run preview
Builds the project and runs it on an Android device/emulator.
npm run build:android
Builds the project for bundle size visualization.
npm run build:visualize
Syncs Capacitor and opens the Android project in Android Studio.
npm run open:android
- Android
npm run build
npm run open:android
In Android Studio select Build
->Generate Signed Bundle / APK
We use VS Code with following extensions:
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.