There is no active support on it.
Feel free to ask if you want to help to keep this project up to date.
Sonata Sandbox comes pre-configured with the following bundles:
- Bundles from Symfony Standard distribution
- Sonata Admin Bundles: Admin and Doctrine ORM Admin
- Sonata Ecommerce Bundles: Payment, Customer, Invoice, Order and Product
- Sonata Foundation Bundles: Notification, Formatter, Intl, Cache, Seo and Easy Extends
- Sonata Feature Bundles: Page, Media, News, User, Block, Timeline
- Api Bundles: FOSRestBundle, BazingaHateoasBundle, NelmioApiDocBundle and JMSSerializerBundle
curl -L github | tar xzv
cd sandbox
git clone
cd sandbox
git checkout master
- Copy configuration file:
cp .env .env.local
- Edit
to configure own environment
- You should be ready to go ...
- vagrant up --provision --provider=virtualbox (Vagrant is going to get the environnement, install it for you and load sonata sample data)
- Configure your host
sudo nano /etc/hosts
and add this line192.168.33.99 sonata.local
- Open your browser here
If you are running PHP 7.2 or above, you can use symfony to start the demo:
symfony server:start --port=9090
Now open your browser and go to http://localhost:9090/
To run the Behat tests, copy the default configuration file and adjust the base_url to your needs
- Copy configuration file:
cp behat.yml.dist behat.yml
- Edit it
You can now run the tests suite by using the following command:
To get more informations about Behat, feel free to check the official documentation.
To run the sandbox test suites, you can run the command:
You can also run the whole sonata-project bundles test suites by using the following command: