The purpose of TypeSet
is to abstract the Set
data type from its representation, so that Data.Set
can be readily swapped out for a more efficient or more appropriate implementation when required. For example, if the underlying type is small then a bitset offers a far more efficient and speedy representation.
Also included is TypeMap
, an abstraction over Map
with two subclasses, TypeMapTotal
for total maps where all keys are defined, and TypeMapPartial
which better resembles Map
. TypeMapTotal
, being array-like, is also extended with a monadic interface in TypeMap.Mutable
so that it can be used efficiently in procedural algorithms.
We also provide Fin
, an efficient implementation of modular numbers/finite types.
- Data.Fin:
- Data.TypeSet:
- Data.TypeSet.Theory:
- Data.TypeSet.Cardinality:
- Data.TypeSet.Algorithm: ...
- Data.TypeMap:
- Data.TypeMap.Mutable:
- Instances: ...
Defines the opaque Fin (n :: Nat)
data type, which can (only) represent any natural between 0 and n-1 inclusive. A 'true' and safe implementation is possible with GADTs, but we use an unsafe implementation behind the scenes which simply wraps a Numeric.Natural
for efficiency. Safety is then obtained by not exporting the constructor. Instead, manipulation can be achieved through its Countable
data Fin (n :: Nat)
TypeSubset s a
is a typeclass which indicates that data of type s
can represent any subset of values of type a
. For example, the instance for Set
is TypeSubset (Set a) a
. It generalises many of the functions from Data.Set
, and adds a couple more of its own.
class (Eq a, Eq s, Countable a) => TypeSubset s a | s -> a where
empty :: s
universe :: s
powerset :: Finite a => [s]
complement :: s -> s
singleton :: a -> s
fromList :: [a] -> s
toList :: s -> [a]
member :: a -> s -> Bool
size :: s -> Cardinal
size' :: s -> Natural
null :: s -> Bool
full :: s -> Bool
isSubsetOf, isProperSubsetOf, disjoint :: s -> s -> Bool
union, intersection, difference, symmetricDifference :: s -> s -> s
unions, intersections :: [s] -> s
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> s -> s
build :: (a -> Bool) -> s
{-# MINIMAL (toList | member), (fromList | singleton, union) #-}
(\\) :: TypeSubset s a => s -> s -> s
(\\) = difference
Indicator functions
(Eq u, Finite u) => TypeSubset (u -> Bool) u
Bitsets (any type
that has aBits
instance and which has a type instance forBitWidth b
suitably defined)(Eq a, Countable a, Num b, Enum b, Bits b, BitSettable a b) => TypeSubset (BitSet' b a) a
The convenience type
BitSet a
is provided which (statically) picks the smallest bitset type (out ofWord8
) to represent subsets of the typea
. -
sets(Eq a, Ord a, Countable a) => TypeSubset (Set a) a
By default, the types ()
, Bool
, Char
, Natural
, Integer
, Int8
, Int16
, Int32
, Int64
, Word8
, Word16
, Word32
, and Word64
can be used as the underlying bitset b
in BitSet' b a
. Other than some standard typeclasses, the main required instances are Countable
and Bits
. In addition, you should give a type instance for BitWidth b
. E.g. if the bitfield has 24 bits, then you should do
type instance BitWidth MyBitField24 = CardFin' 24
If the bitfield is unbounded in size, e.g. Natural
, then you can instead do
type instance BitWidth MyBitField24 = CardInf' 0
to indicate it has the cardinality of countable infinity, .
Contains some mathematical theory for behind-the-scenes plumbing of TypeSubset
. Specifically, it defines what a TypeSet
is so that we can take a subset of it, and also defines the subclasses Countable
and Finite
for the 'special' case of types of countable- and finite- cardinality respectively.
As a corollary of these, it also defines the following type families:
BitWidth a :: Cardinal'
BitSettable a b :: Constraint
BitSetMin a :: *
BitWidth a
, for types that can be interpreted as a bitfield, gives the maximum number of independent bits it can store as a cardinality. E.g.BitWidth Char = CardFin' 20
because, although aChar
takes up at least 21 bits, it cannot store a full 2^21 distinct values.BitSettable a b
tests whether subsets of typea
can be represented by a bitfield of typeb
.BitSetMin a
gives the smallest bitset type (out ofWord8
) to represent subsets of the typea
class TypeSet a where
type Cardinality a :: Cardinal'
cardinality :: Proxy a -> Cardinal
provides both type-level and value-level access to the cardinality of a type. If a type has a cardinality then it can be represented as a set. In principle, category theory allows us to generate collections too large to be a set, but in practice the set of objects we can construct in haskell are countable. Nevertheless, we do give the cardinality of Natural -> Bool
as , the cardinality of the continuum, and
((Natural -> Bool) -> Bool) -> Bool
as .
To meaningfully talk about discrete subsets, we need to know which TypeSet
s are countable and have a way to form bijections or enumerate them.
class TypeSet a => Countable a where
toNatural :: a -> Natural
fromNatural :: Natural -> Maybe a
fromNatural' :: Natural -> a
enumerate :: [a]
{-# MINIMAL toNatural, fromNatural #-}
We would also like to distinguish TypeSet
s that are not only countable, but finite. This typeclass has no members, it simply serves as a constraint.
class Countable a => Finite a
This contains the definitions of Cardinals, as well as type families for cardinal arithmetic. It also contains a type family ShowCardinality (a :: Cardinal') :: ErrorMessage
for convenience.
data Cardinal = CardFin Natural
| CardInf { bethIndex :: Natural }
data Cardinal' = CardFin' Nat
| CardInf' Nat
We use the first datatype for value-level cardinals, and the second datatype for type-level cardinals via DataKinds
lifting. Unfortunately we cannot (?) use a single definition here because GHC's canonical data-level naturals and type-level naturals are distinct.
CardAdd (a :: Cardinal') (b :: Cardinal') :: Cardinal'
CardMul (a :: Cardinal') (b :: Cardinal') :: Cardinal'
CardExp (a :: Cardinal') (b :: Cardinal') :: Cardinal'
CardList (a :: Cardinal') :: Cardinal'
CmpCard (a :: Cardinal') (b :: Cardinal') :: Ordering
Injectable (a :: Cardinal') (b :: Cardinal') (msg :: ErrorMessage)
, CardMul
, and CardExp
compute cardinal addition, multiplication and exponentiation respectively. CardList
computes the cardinality of lists of a
, or equivalently corresponds to the Kleene star operation. CmpCard
can be used to compare cardinals, returning LT
, EQ
or GT
. Injectable
is a constraint that asserts a <= b
and thus that there exists an injection of type a -> b
, or else it raises a type error with the given message.
Some miscellaneous helper functions, primarily used for instances of Countable
-- map non-negative to even, negative to odd
bijIntNat :: Integer -> Natural
bijNatInt :: Natural -> Integer
-- map between integral and positional representation
-- first argument is base
digits :: Integral a => a -> a -> [a]
digitsReverse :: Integral a => a -> a -> [a]
fromDigits :: Integral a => a -> [a] -> a
fromDigitsReverse :: Integral a => a -> [a] -> a
-- which bits are set, least significant first
popBits :: Bits b => b -> [Bool]
whichBits :: Bits b => b -> [Int]
-- is the type b unbounded?
bitsIsInfinite :: Bits b => b -> Bool
bitsIsNegative' :: Bits b => b -> Bool
bitsToNatural :: Bits b => b -> Natural
bitsFromNatural :: Bits b => Natural -> b
bitsToInteger' :: Bits b => b -> Integer
bitsFromInteger' :: Bits b => Integer -> b
-- canonical cantor pairing functions
cantorPair :: Natural -> Natural -> Natural
cantorUnpair :: Natural -> (Natural, Natural)
-- recursively apply cantor pairing to list and
-- return (length, flattened), & vice versa
cantorZip' :: [Natural] -> (Natural, Natural)
cantorUnzip' :: Natural -> Natural -> [Natural]
-- cantor fold in the length, too
cantorZip :: [Natural] -> Natural
cantorUnzip :: Natural -> [Natural]
-- borrowed from haskell wiki (for use in cantorUnpair)
(^!) :: Num a => a -> Int -> a
squareRoot :: Integer -> Integer
is an abstraction over Map
that also distinguishes between partial maps and total maps (i.e. arrays). We also provide some newtypes for deriving partial TypeMaps from total TypeMaps:
newtype FnPartial k v = FnPartial { getFn :: k -> Maybe v }
newtype MkPartial m k v = MkPartial { getPartial :: m k (Maybe v) }
And newtypes for guaranteeing an array or map is total (i.e. its keys cover the entire range of the type):
newtype TotalArray k v = MkTotalArray { getTotalArray :: Array Natural v }
newtype TotalMap k v = MkTotalMap { getTotalMap :: Data.Map.Strict.Map k v }
This totality restriction is achieved by hiding the constructor to prevent the end user from erroneously constructing a partial mapping. Instead, the user must make use of the TypeMap
and TypeMapTotal
typeclasses to manipulate the underlying mappings.
class (Eq k, Countable k) => TypeMap m k | m -> k where
lookup :: k -> m v -> Maybe v
assocs :: m v -> [(k, v)]
replace :: k -> v -> m v -> m v
replaceWith :: (v -> v) -> k -> m v -> m v
map :: (a -> b) -> (m a -> m b)
mapWithKey :: (k -> a -> b) -> (m a -> m b)
mapAccum :: (a -> b -> (a, c)) -> a -> (m b -> (a, m c))
mapAccumWithKey :: (a -> k -> b -> (a, c)) -> a -> (m b -> (a, m c))
mapAccumRWithKey :: (a -> k -> b -> (a, c)) -> a -> (m b -> (a, m c))
mapAccumWithKeyBy :: [k] -> (a -> k -> b -> (a, c)) -> a -> (m b -> (a, m c))
foldr :: (b -> a -> a) -> a -> (m b -> a)
foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> (m b -> a)
foldrWithKey :: (k -> b -> a -> a) -> a -> (m b -> a)
foldlWithKey :: (a -> k -> b -> a) -> a -> (m b -> a)
foldWithKeyBy :: [k] -> (k -> b -> a -> a) -> a -> (m b -> a)
{-# MINIMAL lookup, mapAccumWithKeyBy #-}
class (Finite k, TypeMap m k) => TypeMapTotal m k | m -> k where
build :: (k -> v) -> m v
get :: k -> m v -> v
mergeWith :: (v -> v -> v) -> (m v -> m v -> m v)
mergeWithKey :: (k -> v -> v -> v) -> (m v -> m v -> m v)
mergesWith :: (v -> v -> v) -> (m v -> [m v] -> m v)
mergesWithKey :: (k -> v -> v -> v) -> (m v -> [m v] -> m v)
{-# MINIMAL build #-}
(!) :: TypeMapTotal m k => m v -> k -> v
(!) = flip get
class TypeMap m k => TypeMapPartial m k | m -> k where
empty :: m v
singleton :: k -> v -> m v
fromAssocs :: [(k, v)] -> m v
fromAssocsWith :: (v -> v -> v) -> [(k, v)] -> m v
fromAssocsWithKey :: (k -> v -> v -> v) -> [(k, v)] -> m v
insert :: k -> v -> m v -> m v
insertWith :: (v -> v -> v) -> k -> v -> m v -> m v
insertWithKey :: (k -> v -> v -> v) -> k -> v -> m v -> m v
insertLookupWithKey :: (k -> v -> v -> v) -> k -> v -> m v -> (Maybe v, m v)
delete :: k -> m v -> m v
adjust :: (v -> v) -> k -> m v -> m v
update :: (v -> Maybe v) -> k -> m v -> m v
updateLookup :: (v -> Maybe v) -> k -> m v -> (Maybe v, m v)
alter :: (Maybe v -> Maybe v) -> k -> m v -> m v
findWithDefault :: v -> k -> m v -> v
member :: k -> m v -> Bool
null :: m v -> Bool
size :: m v -> Natural
union :: m v -> m v -> m v
unionWithKey :: (k -> v -> v -> v) -> (m v -> m v -> m v)
unions :: [m v] -> m v
unionsWithKey :: (k -> v -> v -> v) -> ([m v] -> m v)
{-# MINIMAL empty, alter #-}
(!?) :: TypeMapPartial m k => m v -> k -> Maybe v
(!?) = flip Data.TypeMap.lookup
A monadic interface to the same operations as for TypeMapTotal
. In principle we could do the same for TypeMapPartial
, but this is not yet implemented. For STArrays
over Finite
types, we provide TotalArray
newtype TotalArrayST s k v = MkTotalArrayST { getTotalArrayST :: STArray s Natural v }
runTotalArray :: Finite k => (forall s. ST s (TotalArrayST s k v)) -> A.Array k v
thawTotalArray :: Finite k => TotalArray k v -> ST s (TotalArrayST s k v)
We also prevent the coercion functions:
thaw :: (TM.TypeMapTotal m k, MTypeMapTotal m' k mo) => m v -> mo (m' v)
freeze :: (Ord k, TM.TypeMapTotal m k, MTypeMapTotal m' k mo) => m' v -> mo (m v)
class (Eq k, Countable k, Monad mo) => MTypeMap m k mo | m -> k where
lookup :: k -> m v -> mo (Maybe v)
assocs :: m v -> mo [(k, v)]
replace :: k -> v -> m v -> mo ()
replaceWith :: (v -> v) -> k -> m v -> mo ()
map :: (a -> b) -> m a -> mo (m b)
mapWithKey :: (k -> a -> b) -> m a -> mo (m b)
mapAccum :: (a -> b -> (a, c)) -> a -> m b -> mo (a, m c)
mapAccumWithKey :: (a -> k -> b -> (a, c)) -> a -> m b -> mo (a, m c)
mapAccumRWithKey :: (a -> k -> b -> (a, c)) -> a -> m b -> mo (a, m c)
mapAccumWithKeyBy :: [k] -> (a -> k -> b -> (a, c)) -> a -> m b -> mo (a, m c)
foldr :: (b -> a -> a) -> a -> m b -> mo a
foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> m b -> mo a
foldrWithKey :: (k -> b -> a -> a) -> a -> m b -> mo a
foldlWithKey :: (a -> k -> b -> a) -> a -> m b -> mo a
foldWithKeyBy :: [k] -> (k -> b -> a -> a) -> a -> m b -> mo a
foldMWithKey :: (a -> k -> b -> mo a) -> a -> m b -> mo a
iterateWithKey :: (k -> b -> mo ()) -> m b -> mo ()
{-# MINIMAL lookup, mapAccumWithKeyBy #-}
class (Finite k, MTypeMap m k mo) => MTypeMapTotal m k mo | m -> k where
build :: (k -> v) -> mo (m v)
get :: m v -> k -> mo v
mergeIntoWith :: (v -> v -> v) -> m v -> m v -> mo ()
mergeIntoWithKey :: (k -> v -> v -> v) -> m v -> m v -> mo ()
mergesIntoWith :: (v -> v -> v) -> m v -> [m v] -> mo ()
mergesIntoWithKey :: (k -> v -> v -> v) -> m v -> [m v] -> mo ()
{-# MINIMAL build #-}
type BitWidth Bool
type BitWidth Char
type BitWidth Int8
type BitWidth Int16
type BitWidth Int32
type BitWidth Int64
type BitWidth Integer
type BitWidth Natural
type BitWidth Word8
type BitWidth Word16
type BitWidth Word32
type BitWidth Word64
type BitWidth ()
instance TypeSet Bool
instance TypeSet Char
instance TypeSet Int8
instance TypeSet Int16
instance TypeSet Int32
instance TypeSet Int64
instance TypeSet Integer
instance TypeSet Natural
instance TypeSet Word8
instance TypeSet Word16
instance TypeSet Word32
instance TypeSet Word64
instance TypeSet ()
instance TypeSet Void
instance TypeSet a => TypeSet [a]
instance KnownNat n => TypeSet (Fin n)
instance (TypeSet a, TypeSet b) => TypeSet (a -> b)
instance (TypeSet a, TypeSet b) => TypeSet (Either a b)
instance (TypeSet a, TypeSet b) => TypeSet (a, b)
instance (TypeSet a, TypeSet b, TypeSet c) => TypeSet (a, b, c)
instance (TypeSet a, TypeSet b, TypeSet c, TypeSet d) => TypeSet (a, b, c, d)
instance (TypeSet a, TypeSet b, TypeSet c, TypeSet d, TypeSet e) => TypeSet (a, b, c, d, e)
instance Countable Bool
instance Countable Char
instance Countable Int8
instance Countable Int16
instance Countable Int32
instance Countable Int64
instance Countable Integer
instance Countable Natural
instance Countable Word8
instance Countable Word16
instance Countable Word32
instance Countable Word64
instance Countable ()
instance Countable Void
instance Countable a => Countable [a]
instance KnownNat n => Countable (Fin n)
instance (Finite a, Countable b) => Countable (a -> b)
instance (Countable a, Countable b) => Countable (Either a b)
instance (Countable a, Countable b) => Countable (a, b)
instance (Countable a, Countable b, Countable c) => Countable (a, b, c)
instance (Countable a, Countable b, Countable c, Countable d) => Countable (a, b, c, d)
instance (Countable a, Countable b, Countable c, Countable d, Countable e) => Countable (a, b, c, d, e)
instance Finite Bool
instance Finite Char
instance Finite Int8
instance Finite Int16
instance Finite Int32
instance Finite Int64
instance Finite Word8
instance Finite Word16
instance Finite Word32
instance Finite Word64
instance Finite ()
instance Finite Void
instance KnownNat n => Finite (Fin n)
instance (Finite a, Finite b) => Finite (a -> b)
instance (Finite a, Finite b) => Finite (Either a b)
instance (Finite a, Finite b) => Finite (a, b)
instance (Finite a, Finite b, Finite c) => Finite (a, b, c)
instance (Finite a, Finite b, Finite c, Finite d) => Finite (a, b, c, d)
instance (Finite a, Finite b, Finite c, Finite d, Finite e) => Finite (a, b, c, d, e)
instance (Eq a, Ord a, Countable a) => TypeSubset (Set a) a
instance (Eq u, Finite u) => TypeSubset (u -> Bool) u
instance (Eq a, Countable a, Num b, Enum b, Bits b, BitSettable a b) => TypeSubset (BitSet' b a) a
instance (Eq k, Finite k) => TypeMap ((->) k) k
instance (Eq k, Finite k) => TypeMapTotal ((->) k) k
instance (Eq k, Finite k) => TypeMap (FnPartial k) k
instance (Eq k, Finite k) => TypeMapPartial (FnPartial k) k
instance TypeMapTotal (m k) k => TypeMap (MkPartial m k) k
instance TypeMapTotal (m k) k => TypeMapPartial (MkPartial m k) k
instance (Ord k, Finite k) => TypeMap (Data.Map.Strict.Map k) k
instance (Ord k, Finite k) => TypeMapPartial (Data.Map.Strict.Map k) k
instance (Eq k, Finite k) => TypeMap (TotalMap k) k
instance (Eq k, Finite k) => TypeMapTotal (TotalMap k) k
instance (Eq k, Finite k) => TypeMap (TotalArray k) k
instance (Eq k, Finite k) => TypeMapTotal (TotalArray k) k
instance (Eq k, Finite k) => MTypeMap (TotalArrayST s k) k (ST s)
instance (Eq k, Finite k) => MTypeMapTotal (TotalArrayST s k) k (ST s)