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Terraform GCP Artifact Registry

tflint status

This module enable Artifact Registry api in the GCP (Google Cloud Platform) project, create repositories and assign read and write IAM permissions.

You MUST configure the required "google" provider inside your root module.

This module is provided without any kind of warranty and is GPL3 licensed.


Name Version
google >= 5.26.0


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3
google >= 5.26.0


Name Description Type Default Required
additional_labels Additional labels to apply to all Artifact Registry resources. This variable will be merged with the default_labels variable and the labels defined in the repositories variable. map(string) {} no
artifact_registry_listers List of principals that can list Artifact Registry repositories. list(string) [] no
artifact_registry_listers_custom_role_name Name of the custom role for Artifact Registry listers. string "custom.artifactRegistryLister" no
default_labels Default labels to apply to all Artifact Registry resources. map(string)
"managed-by": "terraform"
default_location The default location for the Artifact Registry repositories. string "europe-west1" no
enable_api Enable the Artifact Registry API. bool true no
project_id The GCP project ID that hosts the Artifact Registry. string n/a yes
repositories List of Artifact Registry repositories to create.
description = string
format = optional(string, "DOCKER")
mode = optional(string, "STANDARD_REPOSITORY")
cleanup_policy_dry_run = optional(bool, true)
cleanup_policies = optional(map(object({
action = optional(string, ""),
condition = optional(object({
tag_state = optional(string),
tag_prefixes = optional(list(string), []),
version_name_prefixes = optional(list(string), []),
package_name_prefixes = optional(list(string), []),
older_than = optional(string),
newer_than = optional(string),
}), {}),
most_recent_versions = optional(object({
package_name_prefixes = optional(list(string), []),
keep_count = optional(number, 0)
}), {})
})), {})
docker_immutable_tags = optional(bool, false)
virtual_repository_config = optional(map(object({
repository = string
priority = optional(number, 0)
})), null)
remote_repository_config_docker = optional(object({
description = optional(string, "")
custom_repository_uri = string
disable_upstream_validation = optional(bool, false)
username_password_credentials_username = optional(string, "")
username_password_credentials_password_secret_name = optional(string, "")
username_password_credentials_password_secret_version = optional(string, "")
}), null)
readers = optional(list(string), [])
writers = optional(list(string), [])
location = optional(string, "")
labels = optional(map(string), {})
n/a yes


Name Description
custom_role_artifact_registry_lister_id The ID of the custom role for Artifact Registry listers. The role is created only if the list of Artifact Registry listers is not empty.
repositories The created Artifact Repository repositories.
repositories_data The calculated data for the Artifact Registry repositories (registry and repository).


Name Type
google_artifact_registry_repository.repositories resource
google_artifact_registry_repository_iam_member.member resource
google_project_iam_binding.artifact_registry_lister resource
google_project_iam_custom_role.artifact_registry_lister resource
google_project_service.project resource
google_secret_manager_secret_version.remote_repository_secrets data source


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