Repository for SpectrumX schema definitions, covering shared data structures and message formats.
Let's aim to keep the following structure for new schema definitions: # this file
definitions # all schema definitions
└─ $COMPONENT # component that generates messages following this schema
└─ $SUB_COMPONENT # (optional) child component
└─ $MESSAGE_NAME # a common name describing this message
├─ # (optional) description of the message, required fields, changelogs
└─ $VERSION # version tag of this definition (e.g. v0, v0-alpha, v1, v2-rc1, etc.)
├─ schema.json # schema definition
└─ tests # (optional) test cases and validation code examples
- Definitions
- SpectrumX Data System (SDS)
- Abstractions
- Metadata Formats
- SpectrumX Data System (SDS)
- How to auto-generate a JSON schema from a Pydantic model (expand the example to see the code).