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Releases: spryker/sales


11 Mar 15:31
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Included commits: 11.55.0...11.56.0


  • Added new SalesOmsHelper.
  • Updated Helper and added HelperTraits for easier access.
  • Introduced OmsCheckTimeoutsQueryCriteria transfer.
  • Introduced OmsCheckConditionsQueryCriteria transfer.


27 Feb 08:31
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Included commits: 11.54.0...11.55.0


  • Introduced Quote.quoteProcessFlow transfer field.
  • Introduced Quote.originalOrder transfer field.
  • Introduced Item.originalSalesOrderItemGroupKey transfer field.
  • Introduced transfer field.
  • Introduced Customer.firstName transfer field.
  • Introduced Customer.lastName transfer field.
  • Introduced Customer.salutation transfer field.
  • Introduced QuoteProcessFlow transfer.
  • Introduced SalesExpenseCollectionDeleteCriteria transfer.
  • Introduced SalesExpenseCollectionResponse transfer.
  • Introduced SalesOrderItemCollectionRequest transfer.
  • Introduced SalesOrderItemCollectionDeleteCriteria transfer.
  • Introduced SalesOrderItemCollectionResponse transfer.
  • Introduced Error transfer.
  • Introduced SalesExpenseCollection transfer.
  • Introduced OmsOrderItemState transfer.
  • Introduced ErrorCollection transfer.
  • Adjusted SalesFacade::saveSalesOrderItems() to execute OrderItemInitialStateProviderPluginInterface plugins.
  • Introduced SalesFacade::updateOrderByQuote() to update order by quote.
  • Introduced SalesFacade::deleteSalesExpenseCollection() to delete sales expenses.
  • Introduced SalesFacade::createSalesOrderItemCollectionByQuote() to create sales order item collection by quote.
  • Introduced SalesFacade::updateSalesOrderItemCollectionByQuote() to update sales order item collection by quote.
  • Introduced SalesFacade::deleteSalesOrderItemCollection() to delete sales order item collection.
  • Introduced UpdateOrderByQuoteCheckoutDoSaveOrderPlugin plugin.
  • SalesFacade::saveOrder() can handle context-specific OrderPostSavePluginInterface plugin stack based on the received QuoteTransfer::getQuoteProcessFlow::getName() input.
  • SalesFacade::saveSalesOrder() can handle context-specific OrderPostSavePluginInterface plugin stack based on the received QuoteTransfer::getQuoteProcessFlow::getName() input.
  • SalesFacade::saveOrderRaw() can handle context-specific OrderPostSavePluginInterface plugin stack based on the received QuoteTransfer::getQuoteProcessFlow::getName() input.
  • SalesFacade::updateOrderByQuote() can handle context-specific OrderPostSavePluginInterface plugin stack based on the received QuoteTransfer::getQuoteProcessFlow::getName() input.
  • Introduced SalesDependencyProvider:: PLUGINS_ORDER_POST_SAVE_FOR_ORDER_AMENDMENT constant and dependency provider method for order amendment specific order post save plugins.
  • Replaced SalesBusinessFactory::getOrderPostSavePlugins() with SalesBusinessFactory::createOrderPostSavePluginStrategyResolver() to provide context-aware plugin stack selection capability.
  • Adjusted SalesBusinessFactory::createOrderSaver(), SalesBusinessFactory::createSalesOrderSaver(), SalesBusinessFactory::createSalesOrderWriter() and SalesBusinessFactory::createSalesOrderUpdater() to use contextual order post save plugin stack resolution (Eg: choose between regular checkout or order amendment contexts).
  • Adjusted SalesOrderSaver business model, to select a context for OrderPostSavePluginInterface plugin stack based on the provided context in QuoteTransfer::getQuoteProcessFlow::getName(). These changes also impact the extended class OrderSaver.
  • Adjusted SalesOrderWriter business model, to select context for OrderPostSavePluginInterface plugin stack based on the provided context in QuoteTransfer::getQuoteProcessFlow::getName().
  • Adjusted SalesOrderUpdater business model, to select a context for OrderPostSavePluginInterface plugin stack based on the provided context in QuoteTransfer::getQuoteProcessFlow::getName().


  • Added SalesOrderAmendmentExtension module to dependencies.
  • Increased SalesExtension, CheckoutExtension, Kernel modules version dependency.


07 Feb 11:00
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Included commits: 11.53.0...11.54.0


  • Fixed SalesQueryContainer::fillOrderItemsWithLatestStates() so it does not perform unnecessary DB queries.
  • Fixed SalesQueryContainer::fillOrderItemsWithLatestStates() to sort order item history descending (broken in 11.29.0).
  • Fixed SalesFacade::getCustomerOrder() so it does not query order item state history if it is not enabled in the configuration.
  • Fixed SalesFacade::getOrderByIdSalesOrder() so it does not query order item state history if it is not enabled in the configuration.
  • Fixed SalesFacade::getCustomerOrders() so it does not query order item state history if it is not enabled in the configuration.
  • Fixed SalesFacade::getPaginatedCustomerOrders() so it does not query order item state history if it is not enabled in the configuration.
  • Fixed SalesFacade::getCustomerOrderByOrderReference() so it does not query order item state history if it is not enabled in the configuration.
  • Fixed SalesFacade::findOrderByIdSalesOrder() so it does not query order item state history if it is not enabled in the configuration.


13 Dec 10:03
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Included commits: 11.52.0...11.53.0


  • Adjusted DetailController::indexAction() to send the optional eventsFormAttributeMap view parameter with pre-generated form parameters for oms_trigger_form.
  • Adjusted the configured-bundle-product.twig, no-group-items.twig, order-item.twig, and single-item.twig templates to proxy the optional eventsFormAttributeMap parameter to the @Oms/RenderForm/_partial/order-item-actions.twig template.


28 Nov 12:41
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Included commits: 11.51.1...11.52.0


  • Adjusted spy_sales_order_address.salutation database table field to support a new option n/afor the order address salutation.


18 Nov 13:42
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Included commits: 11.51.0...11.51.1


  • Adjusted tests to work properly with the new Testify module version.


15 Nov 18:37
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Included commits: 11.50.1...11.51.0


  • Introduced SalesFacadeInterface::getOrderCollection() to get a collection of OrderTransfers by provided criteria from Persistence.
  • Introduced OrderCriteria transfer.
  • Introduced OrderConditions transfer.
  • Introduced OrderCollection transfer.
  • Introduced Sort transfer.
  • Introduced Pagination.limit transfer property.
  • Introduced Pagination.offset transfer property.


05 Nov 16:34
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Included commits: 11.50.0...11.50.1


  • Added PHPUnit 11 support.


25 Sep 13:58
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Included commits: 11.49.4...11.50.0


  • Adjusted SalesFacade::getCustomerOrders() to skip SearchOrderExpanderPluginInterface plugins when OrderListTransfer.withoutSearchOrderExpander is set to true.
  • Impacted GatewayController::getOrdersAction() with facade changes.
  • Introduced OrderListTransfer.withoutSearchOrderExpander transfer field.


05 Sep 14:08
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Included commits: 11.49.3...11.49.4


  • Introduced SalesDataHelper::haveSalesExpense() to create the order expenses.