Hoogle⋆: Synthesis of Constants and λ-abstractions in Petri-net-based Synthesis using Symbolic Execution
We extended the Hoogle+ program synthesizer for Haskell, so that it supports the generation of constants and λ-abstractions.
- Python2
- Git
Install z3 version 4.8.1:
sudo apt-get install -y git build-essential python git clone https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3.git cd z3 git checkout z3-4.8.1 python scripts/mk_make.py cd build make make install
Install haskell stack tool
sudo apt-get install -y libtinfo-dev zlib1g-dev haskell-stack stack upgrade
Clone this repository
cd hoogle_plus git checkout origin/master stack build
First, we have to choose a component set and build a database. The widest component set is partialfunctions
, and contains the 294 components described in the paper.
stack exec -- hplus generate --preset partialfunctions
Once the databse is built, we can do queries. For instance, the following query searches for a function whose type is Maybe a -> [a] -> a
stack exec -- hplus "Maybe a -> [a] -> a"
However, to synthesize constants and lambda-abstractions, which are the contributions of this extension, examples must be supplied. For instance, the following query provides an example (with a single argument) that maps the list [1, 2, 3]
to the list [2, 3, 4]
. We also require the Petri net to synthesize 35 solutions (--cnt=35
), because many of them will be eliminated while generating constants and lambda abstractions, as described in the paper.
stack exec -- hplus "[Int] -> [Int]" --example="[([[1, 2, 3]], [2, 3, 4])]" --cnt=35
The default search mode is TYGARAQ
as described in the paper: unbounded abstraction refinement.
You may try searches with different variants with the following command line args:
TYGARQ: Unbounded abstraction refinement. This is the default mode. The initial abstract cover are the types in the query.
TYGARQ0: Unbounded abstraction refinmenet. The initial abstract cover is empty. Use
stack exec -- hplus --use-refine=tygar0 "<query>"
NOGAR: No refinement. Use
stack exec -- hplus --use-refine=nogar "<query>"
TYGARQB: Bounded abstraction refinement. Use
stack exec -- hplus --stop-refine=True --stop-threshold=10 "<query>"
. Replace10
with any number. This is the maximum refinements Hoogle+ will make.
In the evaluation presented in the paper, we compare the extension to two versions of Hoogle+:
The 44 benchmarks that do not require input-output examples are compared to the original version of Hoogle+
The 15 benchamrks that require input-output examples are compared to a version of Hoogle+ that support examples
To run the 59 benchmarks on the extension (it should take 66 minutes aprox.), do:
git checkout origin/master
sh eval_ext.sh
For each benchmark, a log file is created in the directory bench-logs-extension
To run the benchamarks in Hoogle+, you first need to clone the its original repository:
git clone https://github.com/TyGuS/hoogle_plus.git
To run the 44 benchmarks on the original Hoogle+, run eval_orig.sh
cd hoogle_plus
git checkout origin/master
sh eval_orig.sh
For each benchmark, a log file is created in the directory bench-logs-original
To run the 15 benchmarks that have examples, run eval_examp.sh
cd hoogle_plus
git checkout origin/oopsla20_revision
stack install hoogle && hoogle generate
sh eval_examp.sh
For each benchmark, a log file is created in the directory bench-logs-examples