- A bike-sharing system is a service in which bikes are made available for shared use to individuals on a short term basis for a price or free.
- Bikes are borrowed through computer-controlled docks and returned back to another dock.
- Revenue dips in US bike sharing provider due to Corona.
- Business plan is to accelerate the revenue as soon as ongoing lockdown come to an end.
- Understand the factors affecting the demand of the shard bikes in the American market
- Identify Variables significant in predicting the demand of shared bikes
- How well the variables describe the bike demands
- Provide general information about your project here. Linear regression assignment - MLR for a bike sharing system.
- Background
- A bike-sharing system is a service in which bikes are made available for shared use to individuals on a short term basis for a price or free.
- Bikes are borrowed through computer-controlled docks and returned back to another dock.
- Revenue dips in US bike sharing provider due to Corona.
- Business plan is to accelerate the revenue as soon as ongoing lockdown come to an end.
- Goal
- Linear regression model of Demand of Shared Bikes with the available Independent Variables.
- Understand Demands variation with different featuires.
- Manipulation of business strategy to meet the demand levels and expectations of the customer.
- Understand Demand Dynamics of a new Market.
- What is the dataset that is being used?
- day.csv (description in DataDictionary.txt)
Initial RFE Features Considered = 14
Final Features and Coefficients
temp 0.447379
weatsit_3lightrain -0.287028
yr_2019 0.234598
const 0.214403
windspeed -0.151694
m9 0.091051
holiday -0.090982
winter 0.086565
spring -0.082791
weatsit_2cloudy -0.079341
m5 0.064284
m3 0.054170
m4 0.053375
m6 0.036216
dtype: float64
Best Fitted Line
cnt = (0.2144)*const+(-0.091)*holiday+(0.4474)*temp+(-0.1517)*windspeed+(-0.0793)*weatsit_2cloudy+(-0.287)*weatsit_3lightrain+(-0.0828)*spring+(0.0866)*winter+(0.0542)*m3+(0.0534)*m4+(0.0643)*m5+(0.0362)*m6+(0.0911)*m9+(0.2346)*yr_2019
-----------------SCORE ON TEST DATA--------------------
Root Means Square Error = 0.09486832980505137
MSE = 0.009
R2 Score = 0.811
------------------SCORE ON TRAINING DATA---------------
Root Means Square Error = 0.09110433579144299
MSE = 0.0083
R2 Score = 0.835
- python - version 3.9.x
- numpy - version 1.21.5
- pandas - version 1.4.2
- seaborn - version 0.11.2
- sklearn - version 1.0.2
- statsmodels - version 0.13.2
- scipy- version 1.7.3
- matplotlib- version 3.5.1
import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')
Give credit here.
- This project executed is an graded assignment from upgrad
- References - upgrad-course material , upgrad documents.
Created by Shrinivas Bhat [@sshrinivasbhat] - feel free to contact me!