Plugin for Panda.js + P2 to load physics settings generated with PhysicsEditor (Codeandweb)
This is a small plugin that enables loading a JSON file generated with PhysicsEditor directly in Panda.js+P2 physics engine. The main goal of this project is to facilitate the process and to provide an efficient the workflow to make great games inPanda.js.
- Panda.js framework
- P2 plugin for panda.js
- A working version of PhysicsEditor (
- Firstly you have to import the custom exporter into PhysicsEditor. This enables the program to export the physics settings of your choice in a workable JSON notation. Copy the exporter folder in this repository to your local harddrive and link the program to it (see:, at the bottom of this page).
- Import your personal images in PhysicsEditor and create all the settings you need in second. (Have a look at some of the great tutorials here:
- Export the settings you just generated with the custom exporter Panda-p2 (JSON).
- Import the JSON in Panda like so:
//Load the JSON and image texture in cache memory
//retrieve the json file so we can use it var physics = game.getJSON('physics.json'),
//Now generate an image with all physics settings just in a single command var mySprite = new game.P2Sprite('myImage.png', physics.myImage, game.system.width/2, game.system.height/2); mySprite.addTo(game.scene.stage);