This project was inspired by TRPC and Zod. It provides a simple and flexible way to define and validate input for HTTP procedures using Echo as the HTTP server.
- Validation: Define validation rules for your input types.
- Procedures: Create query and mutation procedures with type-safe input and output.
- Echo Integration: Easily integrate with Echo to handle HTTP requests and responses.
To install the library, run:
go get
Define the types for your input and output:
type Post struct {
Id int `json:"id"`
Title string `json:"title"`
Content string `json:"content"`
type ListPostInput struct {
Skip *int `query:"skip" json:"skip"`
Limit *int `query:"limit" json:"limit"`
type CreatePostInput struct {
Title string `json:"title"`
Content string `json:"content"`
type GetPostInput struct {
Id *int `query:"id" json:"id"`
AuthorId string `query:"author_id" json:"author_id"`
Create procedures for listing posts, creating a post, and getting a post:
func main() {
t := xrpc.InitTRPC()
listPostsProcedure := xrpc.NewProcedure[ListPostInput, []Post]("list").
Field("Skip", xrpc.Number().Min(0).Required()).
Field("Limit", xrpc.Number().Max(10)),
Query(func(c xrpc.Context[ListPostInput, []Post]) error {
return c.Json(200, []Post{})
createPostProcedure := xrpc.NewProcedure[CreatePostInput, *Post]("create").
Field("Title", xrpc.String().MinLength(10)).
Field("Content", xrpc.String().MinLength(10)),
Mutation(func(c xrpc.Context[CreatePostInput, *Post]) error {
return c.Json(201, &Post{})
getPostProcedure := xrpc.NewProcedure[GetPostInput, *Post]("get").
Field("Id", xrpc.Number().Required()).
Field("AuthorId", xrpc.String()),
Query(func(c xrpc.Context[GetPostInput, *Post]) error {
return c.Json(200, &Post{})
The main
function initializes the TRPC instance, defines the procedures, and starts the Echo HTTP server on port 9090.
The custom validation library provides a fluent API for defining validation rules. The library supports validation for various types such as strings and numbers, and allows specifying custom error messages.
validator := xrpc.NewValidator().
Field("Name", xrpc.String().MinLength(3).MaxLength(50)).
Field("Email", xrpc.String().Email()).
Field("Age", xrpc.Number().Min(18).Max(65))
err := validator.Validate(input)
if err != nil {
// handle validation error
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.