Strymonas is a code-generation–based library (embedded DSL) for fast, bulk, single-thread in-memory stream processing. This repository focuses on strymonas for OCaml and BER MetaOCaml, which generates C and OCaml code.
Check for the latest situation of the project.
We offer strymonas-pure
, a version that does not depend on MetaOCaml, in OPAM:
$ opam update
$ opam switch create 4.14.1
$ eval $(opam env --switch=4.14.1)
$ opam install strymonas-pure
$ rlwrap ocaml
#require "strymonas-pure";;
module C = Backends_pure.C;;
module C32 = C.C32;;
module F32 = C.F32;;
module Raw = Stream_raw_fn.Make (C);;
module Cook = Stream_cooked_fn.Make_ex (C) (Raw);;
open Cook;;
let pipeline =
Raw.infinite C32.(fun yield -> yield @@ lit {re=0.; im=7.}) |>
map F32.(fun e -> C32.imag e *. lit 5.) |>
filter C.(fun e -> not F32.(equal e (lit 0.))) |>
take C.(int 5) |>
map F32.(fun e -> e *. lit 2.) |>
fold F32.( +. ) F32.(lit 0.);;
let _ = Format.asprintf "%a" (C.pp_proc ~name:"calculate") @@
C.nullary_proc pipeline;;
# - : string = "\nfloat calculate(){\n float x_3 = 0.;\n int x_4 = 5;\n while (x_4 > 0)\n {\n x_4--;\n x_3 = x_3 + 70.;\n }\n return x_3;\n}\n"
let _ = pipeline;;
# - : F32.t = 350.
There are several options depending on your purpose. Especially, the easiest way is as follows:
$ opam switch create 4.14.1+BER
$ eval $(opam env)
$ make lib
$ make test
You can see lib/0README.dr before exploring the source code to deepen your understandings of the library design.
There are many examples (and some of them include benchmarks as mentioned below):
- examples/TryFirst: literally, "TryFirst"!
- examples/sliding-window: a base of lib/
- examples/amradio: an SDR application
- examples/streamit-fm: an SDR benchmark/application related to StreamIt
- examples/gnuradio-fm: an SDR benchmark/application related to GNU Radio with HackRF One
Micro-benchmarks are in benchmarks. See benchmarks/ for more details.
There are also macro-benchmarks. They can be found in the following directories (see the relevant files for more details):