English | 简体中文
SegNet,a model for semantic segmentation
Opensourced on AI Studio , can work online here:https://aistudio.baidu.com/aistudio/projectdetail/2293857
On the dataset camvid 11classses, miou = 0.601
Dataset used: camvid
Download link:https://aistudio.baidu.com/aistudio/datasetdetail/79232
This version come from:https://www.kaggle.com/naureenmohammad/camvid-dataset, in which resolution is low (480x360),id of labels range from 0 to 11
Dataset Size:
- train_num:367
- val_num:101
- test_num:233
Format as follows:
- test test_imgs(.png)
- testannot test_labels(.png)
- train train_imgs(.png)
- trainannot train_labels(.png)
- val val_imgs(.png)
- valannot val_labels(.png)
- Hardware
- Framework / Software
- PaddlePaddle = 2.1
- PaddleSeg
cd PaddleSeg
python train.py \
--config config.yml \
--do_eval \
--use_vdl \
--save_interval 500 \
--save_dir output
Parameters explaination:
- config :root of config.yml
- do_eval :validate while saving model
- use_vdl :use VisualDl (a tool like tensorboard)
- save_interval :frequency to save model
- save_dir :directory to save models and logs
python data/PaddleSeg/predict.py \
--config config.yml \
--model_path output_bs_8——pre/best_model/model.pdparams \
--image_path data/PaddleSeg/camvid/test \
--save_dir output/result
Parameters explaination:
- config :root of config.yml
- model_path :root of model to use
- image_path :path of imgs needed to infer
- save_dir :path to save outputs
This project is powered by PaddlePaddle ,code structrure is like PaddleSeg https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleSeg,to use, we just need to set the config.yml
Introduction to config.yml
batch_size: 4 #batch_size
iters: 1000 #iterations
train_dataset: #train_dataset config
type: Dataset #type of train_dataset
dataset_root: data/PaddleSeg/camvid #list of train_dataset
train_path: data/PaddleSeg/camvid/train_list.txt #list of train_dataset
num_classes: 12 #classed(background counts as well)
transforms: #data pre-execution and enhancement
- type: Resize #resize before put into network
target_size: [512, 512] #resize to 512*512
- type: RandomHorizontalFlip # use RandomHorizontalFlip to enhance data
- type: Normalize #Normalize data
mode: train
val_dataset: #train_dataset config
type: Dataset #type of train_dataset
dataset_root: data/PaddleSeg/camvid #list of train_dataset
val_path: data/PaddleSeg/camvid/val_list.txt #list of train_dataset
num_classes: 12 #classed(background counts as well)
transforms: #data pre-execution and enhancement
- type: Resize #resize before put into network
target_size: [512, 512] #resize to 512*512
- type: Normalize #Normalize img
mode: val
optimizer: #set optimizer
type: sgd #adopt SGD(Stochastic Gradient Descent)as optimizer
momentum: 0.9 #set momentum
weight_decay: 4.0e-5 #weight_decay, to avoid overfitting
learning_rate: #set learning_rate
value: 0.1 #initial learning_rate
type: poly #adopt poly as means of m
power: 0.9 #rate of decay
end_lr: 0 #end learning_rate
loss: #set loss funtion
- type: CrossEntropyLoss #loss function type
coef: [1]
model: #model config
type: SegNet #set model category
num_classes: 12
information | description |
Author | chen jiejun |
stuartchen2018@outlook.com | |
Date | 2021.8.8 |
Framework version | PaddlePaddle = 2.1 |
Application scenarios | Semantic Segmantation |
Support hardware | GPU CPU |