PowerShell Script is where you have a lot of PowerShell script, to make your life easier.
I have to thank the fleschutz for his scrips. He inspired me to do this project. So thank you. https://github.com/fleschutz/PowerShell/tree/master
At the moment we have 17
scripts each with a function, as time goes by I will be adding more scripts.
The documentation:
Doc | Links |
Scripts | https://github.com/suchsoak/Powershell_script/tree/main/Doc |
If you want to know more about the scripts, inside the powershell
folder will contain the script file and also the other scripts separately
Scripts | Links |
Scripts | https://github.com/suchsoak/Powershell_script/tree/main/powershell |
This script will install wsl 2 on windows plus ubuntu, debian and etc...
___ _ _ _
|_ _| _ _ ___| |_ __ _ | || |
| | | ' \ (_-/| _|/ _` || || |
|___||_||_|/__/ \__|\__/_||_||_|
[*] 1. Ubuntu [*] 2. Debian
[*] 3. Kali Linux [*] 4. Arch Linux
[*] 5. Opensuse [*] 6. Oracle
[*] 7. Everything [*] 8. No install
The documentation:
Doc | Links |
WSL | https://github.com/suchsoak/Powershell_script/blob/main/Doc/wsl.md |
The firewall will place rules in your windows firewall
___ ___ _ _
| __||_ _| _ _ ___ _ __ __ __ _ | || |
| _| | | | '_|/ -_) \ V V // _` || || |
|_| |___||_| \___| \_/\_/ \__/_||_||_|
Github: https://github.com/schsoak
BY: ~#M?x
The documentation:
Doc | Links |
FIrewall | https://github.com/suchsoak/Powershell_script/blob/main/Doc/Firewall.md |
| _ ) _ _ ___ _ __ __ ___ ___ _ _
| _ \| '_|/ _ \ \ V V /(_-// -_)| '_|
|___/|_| \___/ \_/\_/ /__/\___||_|
Github: https://github.com/schsoak
BY: ~#M?x
This script will install browsers like firefox, brave and chrome on your windows
___ _ _ _
|_ _| _ _ ___| |_ __ _ | || |
| | | ' \ (_-/| _|/ _` || || |
|___||_||_|/__/ \__|\__/_||_||_|
[*] 1. Brave [*] 2. Firefox [*] 5. All
[*] 3. Chrome [*] 4. Opera GX
The documentation:
Doc | Links |
Browser | https://github.com/suchsoak/Powershell_script/blob/main/Doc/Browser.md |
Drive Reset
___ _ ___ _
| \ _ _ (_)__ __ ___ ___ | _ \ ___ ___ ___ | |_
| |) || '_|| |\ V // -_)(_-/ | // -_)(_-// -_)| _|
|___/ |_| |_| \_/ \___|/__/ |_|_\\___|/__/\___| \__|
Github: https://github.com/schsoak
BY: ~#M?x
The drive reset will reset the computer's drives and also do a scan with the dism
The documentation:
Doc | Links |
Drive Reset | https://github.com/suchsoak/Powershell_script/blob/main/Doc/drivereset.md |
_ _ _ _
| \| | ___ | |_ _ _ ___ ___ ___ | |_
| . |/ -_)| _|| '_|/ -_)(_-// -_)| _|
|_|\_|\___| \__||_| \___|/__/\___| \__|
Github: https://github.com/schsoak
BY: ~#M?x
The script will reset TCP ports and other system network settings
The Documentation
Doc | Links |
Netreset | https://github.com/suchsoak/Powershell_script/blob/main/Doc/netreset.md |
Dsik Verification
Disk verification will scan for corrupted files such as the sfc /scannow command
___ _ _ _ __ _ _ _
| \ (_) ___| |__ __ __ ___ _ _ (_) / _|(_) __ __ _ | |_ (_) ___ _ _
| |) || |(_-/| / / \ V // -_)| '_|| || _|| |/ _|/ _` || _|| |/ _ \| ' \
|___/ |_|/__/|_\_\ \_/ \___||_| |_||_| |_|\__|\__/_| \__||_|\___/|_||_|
Github: https://github.com/schsoak
BY: ~#M?x
The Documentation
Doc | Links |
Disk Verification | https://github.com/suchsoak/Powershell_script/blob/main/Doc/disk%20verification.md |
| | |
__| _ \ | __| __| __ \
| __/ | \__ \ \__ \ | | |
\__| \___| _| ____/ ____/ _| |_|
Github: https://github.com/schsoak
BY: ~#M?x
The script verifies that OpenSSH and Telnet are installed on the Windows system and performs the installation if necessary.
The Documentation
Doc | Links |
Telssh | https://github.com/suchsoak/Powershell_script/blob/main/Doc/Telssh.md |
Programming Language
_ __ _ __ _
| | __ _ _ _ / _` | _ _ __ _ / _` | ___
| |/ _` || ' \ \__. || || |/ _` |\__. |/ -_)
|_|\__/_||_||_||___/ \_._|\__/_||___/ \___|
Github: https://github.com/schsoak
Buy ME A Coffe:
BY: ~#M?x
[1] Python [5] Swift
[2] Ruby [6] GO
[3] GCC (C) [7] Kotlin
[4] Nodejs [8] ALL
This scrips will install the programming languages of your choice such as python, ruby and etc..
The Documentation
Doc | Links |
language | https://github.com/suchsoak/Powershell_script/blob/main/Doc/language.md |
___ ___ ___
|_ _|| \ | __|
| | | |) || _|
|___||___/ |___|
Buy ME A Coffe: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/m100047r
Github: https://github.com/schsoak
BY: ~#M?x
[1] Visual Code Studio [4] Atom [7] Notepadd++
[2] PyCharm Community Edition [5] Android Studio [8] Rubymine
[3] Sublime Text [6] Arduino IDE [9] ALL
This script will install the ide of your choice or all ides
Doc | Links |
IDE | https://github.com/suchsoak/Powershell_script/blob/main/Doc/ide.md |
===o: :=:..+===========. +o
====..=o+. ~+oo====oo+ ~==
===: ~oo==+. ~+====oo~ +o=
===. =oo=o=+. .====o+ .===
=o+ ~oo=+:. .:=oo===: :===
oo. +=:. .:~~:~~+oo=..====
o+ .=+..~+==.....:==: :o===
BY: suchsok
This script gives information about the system, such as video card, processor, wifi and so on.
Doc | Links |
Systeminfo | https://github.com/suchsoak/Powershell_script/blob/main/Doc/systeminfo.md |
|======~ ~+==========+~ ~======|
|=====+ ~==============~ +=====|
|=====~ :o=============: ~o====|
|====+. ~++++++++++++++~ .+====|
|==+ ~====================~ +==|
|==+ ~=======+~.~~+=======~ +==|
|==+ ~======: .++. +======~ +==|
|==+ ~======+..:~..+======~ +==|
|==+ ~========+ :========~ +==|
|==+ .=========~~=========~ +==|
|===~ ~+=======++======++~ ~===|
BY: suchsok
This script returns information about a particular file
Doc | Links |
Fileinfo | https://github.com/suchsoak/Powershell_script/blob/main/Doc/fileinfo.md |
___ _ ___ _ _
| _ \ ___ ___| |_ ___ _ _ ___ | _ \ ___ (_) _ _ | |_
| // -_)(_-/| _|/ _ \| '_|/ -_)| _// _ \| || ' \ | _|
|_|_\\___|/__/ \__|\___/|_| \___||_| \___/|_||_||_| \__|
BY: suchsok
This script will make a restore point on the system
Doc | Links |
Restorepoint | https://github.com/suchsoak/Powershell_script/blob/main/Doc/restorepoint.md |
Windows Update
|o~:~~~~ ~ ~o~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~o|
|: :o~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~:|
|: :o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:|
|: :o~~~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~o|
|: :o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o|
|o ~ ~ ~ oo~:::::::::::::~o|
|: :o~:~:~::~:~:~:~~o|
|: ~ ~ ~ :o::~:~:::::~::::o|
|o ~ :o:~::::~:~:::~:~o|
|o:~~~~~~ ~ :o::~~:~::~:~:~::o|
This script will update the Windows update if you have problem. This script will attempt to fix this.
Doc | Links |
Windows Update | https://github.com/suchsoak/Powershell_script/blob/main/Doc/update.md |
___ _ _ __ _
| __|__ __ ___ _ _ | |_ | | ___ / _` |
| _| \ V // -_)| ' \ | _|| |__ / _ \\__. |
|___| \_/ \___||_||_| \__||____|\___/|___/
BY: suchsok
[1] 10 [5] 50 [9] 90
[2] 20 [6] 60 [10] 100
[3] 30 [7] 70 [11] 1000
[4] 40 [8] 80 [12] 10000
The provided script is a PowerShell script that displays a log and allows the user to choose the number of recent events they want to retrieve from the System event log.
Doc | Links |
Eventlog | https://github.com/suchsoak/Powershell_script/blob/main/Doc/eventlog.md |
__ __ _ __ ___
| \/ || '_ \/ __| __ __ _ _ _
| |\/| || .__/\__ \/ _|/ _` || ' \
|_| |_||_| |___/\__|\__/_||_||_|
BY: suchsok
The script in question is written in PowerShell and aims to perform checks and executions related to computer security using Windows Defender.
Doc | Link |
mpscan | https://github.com/suchsoak/Powershell_script/blob/main/Doc/mpscan.md |
_ __ _
| '_ \ __ _ ___ ___ _ __ __ ___ _ _ __| |
| .__// _` |(_-/(_-/ \ V V // _ \| '_|/ _` |
|_| \__/_|/__//__/ \_/\_/ \___/|_| \__/_|
BY: suchsok
The logic of this script is to prompt the user to enter a password and a file path, and then securely save the password to a file using PowerShell commands.
scrip | link |
password | https://github.com/suchsoak/Powershell_script/blob/main/Doc/password.md |
_ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
| || || _ \ / __| / _ \ | \ | __|
| __ || /| (__ | (_) || |) || _|
|_||_||_|_\ \___| \___/ |___/ |___|
[1] Curl
[2] QRCodeGenerator
BY: suchsoak
The script is to generate an hrcode with a link you place. There are two options, you can use the curl tool or porwshell's QRCodeGenerator. Just remember that you will have to install its module to use it.
Readme and script | link |
HRCODE | https://github.com/suchsoak/Powershell_script/blob/main/Doc/hrcode.md |
script | https://github.com/suchsoak/Powershell_script/blob/main/powershell/hrcode.ps1 |
QRCodeGenerator | https://techexpert.tips/powershell/powershell-creating-qr-code-url/ |
Don't forget, from the Get-ExecutionPolicy
Unblock-File -Path .\script.ps1
You can usage the script.ps1
Or you can use the scripts separately
This open source project is licensed under the CC0-1.0 license.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.