The microCaaSP is small, simple, and light way of kubernetes. The microCaaSP has only one master node, which is the stripped down version of full CaaSP.
The purpose of the microCaaSP is for the people of marketing, sales, and container application developers for CaaSP.
The microCaaSP deployment downloads two files: microCaaSP.xml and microCaaSP.qcow2. microCaaSP.qcow2 from
is behind SUSE vpn.
Therefore, in order to use the microCaaSP, you should be connected via SUSE vpn. The microCaaSP.qcow2 you need for deployment is size of 3.9G. Once the image is downloaded, the microCaaSP deployment will continue to create the master node. The image will be saved in cache.
After you deploy the microCaaSP, within a mintute the node and Kubernetes in the node are ready to use bymicroCaaSP login
. The microCaaSP includes the clusterctl binary. By clusterctl init
, users will be also ready to deploy full spec of Kubernetes in any platform that cluster-api supports.
More information about cluster-API is shown Now you are ready to deploy full stack of Kuberntes any of platforms.
If you are done using the microCaaSP, you can simple destroy by microCaaSP destroy
In order for microCaaSP to download image and xml files, you need to run via connection through SUSE VPN
These are essential and related packages for kvm virtualization
sudo zypper in qemu-kvm guestfs-tools libvirt libvirt-daemon-qemu virt-manager bridge-utils
sudo systemctl start libvirtd && sudo systemctl enable libvirtd
sudo usermod -aG libvirt,kvm $USER
Users need to install GO for building microCaaSP.
Alternatively, users can download microCaaSP from
You can download microCaasP binary from the release tap instead of building/installing microCaaSP. This insruction shows how to build and install microCaaSP instead of downloading microCaaSP binary. For building microCaaSP, create a folder under ~/go/source path and clone the repo.
go get
cd ~/go/src/
mkdir -p ~/go/src/
git clone
cd microCaaSP
The microCaaSP binary will be available in GO bin path.
The microCaaSP binary will be avialble in the project root folder.
make build
When you use microCaaSP deploy
for the first time, microCaaSP deploy
will download a qcow2 image. The first download will take about 10 min depending on your network condition. Once the image is downloaded from the first deployment, microCaaSP caches the image so that you do not need to download the image from the second deployment. The Server, in which qcow2 image is stored, is a part of Y squad Baremetals in Provo, UT, USA.
After the deployment, you are ready to login the VM by microCaaSP login
. If you login microCaasp, kubectl is ready to use.
Try kubectl get pod -A
after login, some system containers would be still in "ContainerCreating" states. The microCaaSP is a stripped down version of SUSE CaaS Platform 4. If you want to know more about an enterprise class container management solution, go to The microCaaSP has also built-in clsuter-API. Therefore, you are ready to deploy the kubernetes cluster in any platform that cluster-api provides. To know more about cluster-api, is a good site to start. After you are done using microCaaSP, type exit
. This will lead to exit microCaaSP terminal. Whenever you want to use microCaaSP again, microCaaSP login
will lead you to access microCaaSP where you left from.
After you are done using microCaaSP, microCaaSP destroy
deletes the image that you are currently working on. So next time you deploy microCaaSP, the microCaaSP will be initiated from the new image.
Available Commands:
deploy deploy microCaaSP cluster
destroy destroy microCaaSP cluster
help Help about any command
login login microCaaSP cluster
-h, --help help for this command
Use " [command] --help" for more information about a command.
For deployment of microCaaSP, microCaaSP deploy
will choose the most latest K8s version that CaaSP provides. However, you can choose K8s versions from '--version' flag. The current available versions are 1.18.2, 1.17.4, and 1.16.2.