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OpenAI OpenAPI Specification - Kotlin





  1. curl -o openapi-YYYYMMDD.yaml

You don't have to do this.
openapi-generator supports fetching the specification directly from a url.
I prefer to save a snapshot of the specification that was used for the generation.

Generate Whole OpenAI API

  1. time openapi-generator generate -i openapi-YYYYMMDD.yaml -g kotlin -o ./lib --skip-validate-spec --additional-properties=artifactId=openai-kotlin-client,artifactVersion=0.0.1,groupId=com.openai,packageName=com.openai
    (< 5 seconds on MacBook Pro M4 Pro)
  2. cp lib/build.gradle .
  3. mv lib/gradle* lib/settings.gradle .
  4. echo -e "\ninclude(\":lib\")" >> settings.gradle
  5. Edit build.gradle to be a project file and lib/build.gradle to be a module file.
  6. chmod +x ./gradlew
  7. ./gradlew build
    (< 20 seconds on MacBook Pro M4 Pro to [eventually; see "Changes"] successfully compile from clean)

All of this is also shown in the file.


At this point, the build will actually fail.
I had to make some manual changes in order to get it to compile successfully:

  1. AudioApi.kt:
    1. change AudioResponseFormat? = json to AudioResponseFormat? = AudioResponseFormat.json
    2. change timestampGranularities?.value to timestampGranularities
  2. remove data (data class ...->class ...) in:
    1. CreateAssistantRequestToolResourcesFileSearch.kt
    2. CreateThreadRequestToolResourcesFileSearch.kt

This just got it to COMPILE successfully!

I had to make further changes in order to get it to RUN successfully.

All of my changes can be seen at:


When a new spec comes out:

  1. Make sure to start from a fresh/stashed checkout.
  2. rm -r ./lib/src
  3. curl -o openapi-YYYYMMDD.yaml
  4. openapi-generator generate -i openapi-YYYYMMDD.yaml -g kotlin -o ./lib --skip-validate-spec --additional-properties=artifactId=openai-kotlin-client,artifactVersion=0.0.1,groupId=com.openai,packageName=com.openai
  5. Fix generated gradle files:
    1. mv lib/build.gradle lib/build.gradle.kts
    2. rm -f ./gradle && mv lib/gradle* .
    3. mv lib/settings.gradle ./settings.gradle.kts
    4. Compare/Review with the settings.gradle and build.gradle files.
      1. gradle*: probably discard all changes
      2. settings.gradle.kts: probably discard all changes
      3. lib/build.gradle.kts: probably discard all changes
    5. While you are here, update any dependencies in gradle/libs.versions.toml
  6. Consistently format all generated code with ./gradlew spotlessApply
  7. Fix generated code compiler errors:
    TODO: Open an OpenAPI or OpenAI bug on these...
    1. apis/AudioApi
      1. add/keep AudioResponseFormat.json
      2. add/keep timestampGranularities?.value
    2. models/CreateAssistantRequestToolResourcesFileSearch: keep non-data class
      (compiler error to have data class with no constructor parameters)
    3. models/CreateThreadRequestToolResourcesFileSearch: keep non-data class
      (compiler error to have data class with no constructor parameters)
  8. Review each changed file, especially ones that show as modified in:
    1. apis & docs: probably keep all changes
    2. infrastructure:
      1. ApiClient.kt: probably discard all changes
      2. BigDecimalAdapter.kt: probably discard all changes
      3. BigIntegerAdapter.kt: probably discard all changes
      4. Serializer.kt: probably discard all changes
    3. models: probably keep all changes except...
      1. Realtime* files:
        (This can get a little complicated...)
        1. RealtimeClientEvent*: Keep all type: RealtimeClientEvent*.Type = RealtimeClientEvent*.Type.... one-line assignments
          These help a lot to simplify sending client events.
        2. RealtimeConversationItem
          1. add/keep in_progress in nested Status; undocumented value comes from the server
        3. RealtimeConversationItemContentInner
          1. add/keep audio in nested Type; undocumented value comes from the server
        4. RealtimeResponse
          1. change/keep maxOutputTokens to type RealtimeSessionMaxResponseOutputTokens
          2. add/keep in_progress in nested Status; undocumented value comes from the server
        5. RealtimeResponseCreateParams
          1. change/keep maxResponseOutputTokens to type RealtimeSessionMaxResponseOutputTokens
        6. RealtimeResponseCreateParamsConversation
          1. add/keep enum class ... auto, none ...
        7. move RealtimeResponseCreateParamsMaxResponseOutputTokens to common RealtimeSessionMaxResponseOutputTokens
          This empty class would cause a runtime deserialization exception.
        8. move RealtimeResponseMaxOutputTokens to common RealtimeSessionMaxResponseOutputTokens This empty class would cause a runtime deserialization exception.
        9. RealtimeServerEventConversationItemCreated
          1. add/keep nullable previousItemId; null value comes from the server
        10. RealtimeServerEventInputAudioBufferCommitted:
          1. add/keep nullable previousItemId; null value comes from the server
        11. RealtimeSession
          1. model
            1. add/keep javadoc
            2. change/keep type to kotlin.String?
          2. change/keep maxResponseOutputTokens to type RealtimeSessionMaxResponseOutputTokens
        12. RealtimeSessionCreateRequest
          1. add/keep @SerializeNull
          2. change/keep maxResponseOutputTokens to type RealtimeSessionMaxResponseOutputTokens
          3. nested enum class Model
            1. change/keep javadoc
            2. change/keep gpt-4o-realtime-preview ... simplification;
              The generated names leave out gpt-4o-.
        13. RealtimeSessionCreateRequestInputAudioTranscription
          1. add/keep nested enum class Model whisper-1 ...
          2. change/keep model to nested Model
        14. RealtimeSessionCreateRequestTurnDetection
          1. add/keep nested enum class Type server_vad ...
          2. change/keep type to nested Type
        15. RealtimeSessionCreateResponse
          1. change/keep maxResponseOutputTokens to type RealtimeSessionMaxResponseOutputTokens
        16. restore/reset/keep RealtimeSessionMaxResponseOutputTokens
        17. delete RealtimeSessionModel
          This empty class would cause a runtime deserialization exception.
    4. test: probably keep all changes except...
      1. revert RealtimeResponseCreateParamsMaxResponseOutputTokensTest
        detected as a rename from RealtimeSessionMaxResponseOutputTokensTest
      2. delete RealtimeResponseMaxOutputTokensTest
      3. delete RealtimeSessionModelTest