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martinduparc edited this page Nov 10, 2014 · 12 revisions

Installing and using Crosslet


External dependencies

You have to include them explicitly in the code

In the head of the html doc:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

In the bottom of the file:

<script src=""></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>

Embedded dependencies

These are already in the code, you don't have to download them separately:

Downloading Source

TL;DR : download here.

Javascript source file is located in the /dist directory.

  • For production, use crosslet-min.js
  • In case if you already use cie.js and crosslet.js in your code, you can use crosslet-raw-min.js
  • For debugging purposes, use the versions of files without "min" in it

Once downloaded, include it in your document as well:

<script src="crosslet-min.js"></script>

Using Crosslet

Minimal configuration

var config = {
  map: {
    leaflet: {
      key: "<your key>",
    view: {
      center: [40.42, -98.73],
    geo: {
      url: "data/us_counties.topo.json",
      name_field: "NAME",
      id_field: "GEOID",
      topo_object: "us_counties"
  data: {
    version: "1.0",
    id_field: "fips"
  dimensions: {
    obama: {
      title: "Obama",
      data: {
        dataSet: "data/us_elect_county.csv",
        field: "obama_p",
  defaults: {
   order: ["obama"],
    active: "obama"

See also Developer's Reference and Tutorial for further info.