This project aims to enable reading kaldi ark files into tensorflow. It adds following operators to tensorflow:
- read_kaldi_matrix(rspecific)
- decode_kaldi_matrix(data, element-type)
- read_kaldi_post_and_ali(rspecific, is_reading_post(bool))
- decode_kaldi_ali(data, element-type, is_reading_post(bool))
For kaldi matrix, only float matrix are supported. Please pass "tf.float32" in through the element-type argument.
For compressed kaldi matrix, only compression method 2 (kSpeechFeature) is supported.
For alignment, user need to specify weather is reading posteriors or pdfs by the argument
. Operator decode_kaldi_ali produces alignment pdfs output, in format
of a one dimension int32 tensor (a int32 tensor). Please pass "tf.int32" in through the
element-type argument.
Contributions are welcome. Feel free to fork and send pull request or to create issues.
- Linux
- GCC version > 5.1 (for use of c++11 regex)
- python with tensorflow installed
- git clone
- cd kaldi-reader-standalone
- mkdir build && cd build
- cmake .. -DPYTHONBIN=/path/to/your/correct/version/of/python
- make
Then you are all set.
kaldi_module = kaldi_module = tf.load_op_library("/path/to/this/project/")
feats_raw_value = kaldi_module.read_kaldi_matrix("/path/to/somearks/file1.ark:2321")
feats_value = kaldi_module.decode_kaldi_matrix(feats_raw_value, tf.float32)
feats_value.set_shape([None, num_dim])
There are some examples under the example
directory. To run them, please modify the library path (in contents of the
python files) to the correct path.
- cd example
- python
- python
- python
- python
Fan Ziye
Kaldi: Tensorflow: