Money lending application with Django framework. Only Django Framework and HTMX plugin are used for Ajax validation and Ajax logout.
- Loan Request Form
- Loan Editable Security
- Loan Can Not Be Approved Without Requested User
- Login and Register
- Password Reset Feature
- Email Address Validation
- Count of Loan Given, Taken, Approved, Requested, Rejected
- Change Email Feature
- Notification History Added
- Bank Statement Added
- Crud Functionality Added
- Add Balance Feature to Profile
- Some Bug Fixes
Install my-project with pip
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd loan-app
In the command panel, run this command.
pip install -r requirements.txt
After successful installation, you need to start the migration to create tables in the database.
python makemigrations
python migrate
After migration, start the server by running this command.
python runserver
Client: HTMX, JavaScript, BootStrap 4
Server: Django, Python