The project consists of a two-pass assembler to convert assembly-language programs, written as per the provided SIMPLE instruction-set, into executable machine-code.
The machine-code can then be executed by an emulator.
Clone this repository:
git clone
If your system (particularly Windows and macOS) does not have make
installed, install make
first before proceeding.
Also, ensure that gcc
is installed
Compile asm.c
$ make assembler
On successful compilation assemble.exe
will be created in the current directory.
Compile emu.c
$ make emulator
On successful compilation emulate.exe
will be created in the current directory.
Assemble an assembly program. On successful assembly, machine-code.out
and listing.lst
will be created in the current directory.
$ ./assemble.exe file-path
Execute the program using emulator.
$ ./emulate.exe -option object-file-path
To get a list of available emulator options:
$ ./emulate.exe -man
Below is a list of all the files and directories that the project contains:
- assembler source-codeemu.c
- emulator source-code/headers
- contains header filesdataStructures.h
- contains essential functions and data-structure implementationsdataStructures.c
- contains claims regarding the project/bubbleSort
- contains assembly program, console output as log-file, listing, object-file for bubble-sort program/sampleTests
- contains provided sample programs, console outputs as log-files, listings, object-files/additionalTests
- contains additional assembly programs, console output as log-files, listings, object-files
The assembly language is for a machine with four registers:
- Two registers: A & B, arranged as an internal stack
- A program counter: PC
- A stack pointer: SP
These registers are 32 bits in size.
The encoding uses the bottom 8 bits for opcode and the upper 24 bits for operand.
As with most assembly languages, this is line-based i.e. one statement per line.
Comments begin with a ';' and anything on the line after the ';' is ignored.
Blank lines and lines containing only a comment are permitted and ignored.
White space (including tabs) are permitted at the beginning of a line and ignored.
Instructions have either no operands or a single operand. The operand is a signed two's complement value.
An operand is either a label or a number. The number can be decimal, hexadecimal or octal.
Label definitions consist of the label name followed by a ':', and an optional statement.
There is not necessarily a space between the ':' and the statement.
A label use is just the label name. A valid label name is an alphanumeric string beginning with a letter.
For branch instructions label use should calculate the branch displacement.
For non-branch instructions, the label value should be used directly.
The instruction semantics do not show the incrementing of the PC to the next instruction.
This is implicitly performed by each instruction before the actions of the instruction are done.
Mnemonic | Opcode | Operand | Formal Specification | Description |
data | value | reserve a memory location, initialized to the value specified | ||
ldc | 0 | value | B := A; A := value; | load accumulator with the value specified |
adc | 1 | value | A := A + value; | add the value specified to the accumulator |
ldl | 2 | offset | B := A; A := memory[SP + offset]; | load local |
stl | 3 | offset | memory[SP + offset] := A; A := B; | store local |
ldnl | 4 | offset | A := memory[A + offset]; | load non-local |
stnl | 5 | offset | memory[A + offset] := B; | store non-local |
add | 6 | A := B + A; | addition | |
sub | 7 | A := B - A; | subtraction | |
shl | 8 | A := B << A; | shift left | |
shr | 9 | A := B >> A; | shift right | |
adj | 10 | value | SP := SP + value; | adjust SP |
a2sp | 11 | SP := A; A := B | transfer A to SP | |
sp2a | 12 | B = A; A := SP; | transfer SP to A | |
call | 13 | offset | B := A; A := PC; PC := PC + offset; | call procedure |
return | 14 | PC := A; A := B; | return from procedure | |
brz | 15 | offset | if A == 0 then PC := PC + offset; | if accumulator is zero, branch to specified offset |
brlz | 16 | offset | if A < 0 then PC := PC + offset; | if accumulator is less than zero, branch to specified offset |
br | 17 | offset | PC := PC + offset; | branch to specified offset |
HALT | 18 | stop the emulator; not a 'real' instruction; needed to tell emulator when to finish | ||
SET | value | set the label on current line to the specified value; is a pseudo-instruction |