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Astro Project

Client for MangalamBhav.


  • Form Control ( Reactive & Template based patterns )
  • Multiple reusable common components like cards, tiles, carousal, Language picker, banners, posters
  • Route protected by Guards
  • JWT token based authentication and validations
  • Login using Google account
  • Supports Hindi(hi) & English(en) locale

Architecture: MVC
Languages/Frameworks: Angular, Typescript, Bootstrap(4+), SASS
Server Side Code::


  • Angular CLI: 10.2.0
  • Node: 14.15.1
  • @angular-devkit/architect: 0.901.12
  • @angular-devkit/build-angular: 0.901.12
  • @angular-devkit/core: 9.1.12
  • @angular-devkit/schematics: 10.2.0
  • @angular/cli: 10.2.0
  • @angular/compiler-cli: 9.1.12
  • @angular/language-service: 9.1.12
  • @angular/localize: 9.1.12
  • @schematics/angular: 10.2.0
  • @schematics/update: 0.1002.0
  • rxjs: 6.5.5
  • typescript: 3.8.3