Taro Suzuki
E-Mail: gnsssdrlib@gmail.com
HP: http://www.taroz.net
"GNSS-Radar" is a web application to show the current GNSS constellation at a specified location. You can bookmark the following URL to quickly access the application. http://www.taroz.net/GNSS-Radar.html
Set the observer location by latitude and longitude (the unit is degree).
- ULR+?lat=xxx&lon=xxx (default: lat=35.7&lon=139.8 (Tokyo))
- e.g. http://www.taroz.net/GNSS-Radar.html?lat=-37.8&lon=145
Set the elevation mask angle when computing the sky plot (the unit is degree).
- ULR+?elemask=xxx (default: elemask=10)
- e.g. http://www.taroz.net/GNSS-Radar.html?elemask=45
Set the time offset when computing the sky plot (the unit is hour).
- ULR+?offhr=xxx (default: offhr=0)
- e.g. http://www.taroz.net/GNSS-Radar.html?offhr=12
Set the time interval when computing the sky plot (the unit is minutes).
- ULR+?tint=xxx (default: tint=30)
- e.g. http://www.taroz.net/GNSS-Radar.html?tint=5
Set the number of times when computing the sky plot.
- ULR+?ntimes=xxx (default: tint=24, 24*30min=12hour)
- e.g. http://www.taroz.net/GNSS-Radar.html?ntimes=48
These options are started with "?" and can be combined by "&".
"GNSS-Radar" uses the following libraries:
- satellite.js: https://github.com/shashwatak/satellite-js
- highcharts.js: http://www.highcharts.com/
- Sylvester.js: http://sylvester.jcoglan.com/
- TLE (Two Line Element) is downloaded from celestrak (http://www.celestrak.com/).