Introducing to you Ohana Cares, a family app that empowers husbands and wives like Jack and Jill to take an active role in reducing maternal mortality deaths with 2 virtual assistants, Stiches and Stichie.
Ohana cares is developed by using flutter, chatgpt and firebase.
Ohana Cares has two interconnected modules: one for Jill assisted by Stitchie and one for Jack assisted by Stitches. Each module has 5 personalized sub-modules with data sync-up between couples.
- Flutter SDK:
- Dart SDK:
- Android Studio or Visual Studio Code with Flutter and Dart plugins
- A physical device or an emulator for running the app
- Generate your own openAI chat token to test and paste it in lib/voicegpt/ai_handler.dart file in order to run chatgpt in our app
- Clone the repository:
- Change to the project directory:
- cd MyOhanaCare
- Install the required dependencies:
- flutter pub get
Open the project in Android Studio or Visual Studio Code.
To run the app on an emulator or physical device, execute the following command in the terminal or use the IDE's built-in tools:
- flutter run
- To build the app for Android or iOS, use the following commands:
For Android:
- flutter build apk
For iOS:
- flutter build iOS
Ohana Cares has 5 modules which are information module, chatbot module, tracker module and location module.
A. Sign Up Module
- To sign up, click on the Sign up.
- Input the following details
- Choose your role.
- Input the following details
- Sign Up Successful Wife
- Connection
- Husbands can only connect with wife
B. Sign In Module
- Sign in Details Wife: email: password: jill123
Husband: email: password: jack123
C. SOS Module (Homepage)
- Click on Stitches/Stichie to activate the SOS action
- To specify the local emergency contact and personal emergency contact, click the Edit SOS button
- Contact Numbers will be displayed in the user profile
E. Education Module (Homepage)
- Click view all to be directed to the education page.
- Click on the card to view full article
F. Calendar Module
- Wife
- Wife can input their weight, period dates, pregnancy dates, symptoms and also event dates.
- By clicking the dates on their calendar, they can view the details that is inputed for that date at the bottom of the calendar
- Husband
- Husbands can input their event schedule to notify their wives
- They can also click on the dates and view their wives body condition specified at the bottom of the calendar
G. Chatbot Module
- To access to the chatbot, be sure to generate your own openAI chat token to test and paste it in lib/voicegpt/ai_handler.dart file in order to run chatgpt in our app
H. Location Module
- Click on the cards on the top to display the locations of the selected topic.
- Click onto the pinned icon to be directed to google maps
If you'd like to contribute to the project, please submit a pull request or open an issue with your suggestion.
This project uses the following external resources:
- Flutter packages:
- cupertino_icons
- flutter_svg
- http
- flutter_easyloading
- provider
- google_maps_flutter
- maps_launcher
- animated_text_kit
- table_calendar
- flutter_datetime_picker
- date_format
- firebase_messaging
- flutter_local_notifications
- cloud_firestore
- firebase_core
- speech_to_text
- flutter_riverpod
- chat_gpt_sdk
- flutter_phone_direct_caller
If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact me at:
- Email:
- Phone Number: 017-5307898