Tekton Pipeline release v0.55.0 "Bambino Alojzy Gąbka"
🎉 PipelineTask.OnError and bugfixes 🎉
-Docs @ v0.55.0
-Examples @ v0.55.0
Installation one-liner
kubectl apply -f https://storage.googleapis.com/tekton-releases/pipeline/previous/v0.55.0/release.yaml
The Rekor UUID for this release is 24296fb24b8ad77acf6e7f5cf38da4c2178e88e08bc2f291dc52b756371a21d349ca985bd125ace9
Obtain the attestation:
rekor-cli get --uuid $REKOR_UUID --format json | jq -r .Attestation | jq .
Verify that all container images in the attestation are in the release file:
# Obtains the list of images with sha from the attestation
REKOR_ATTESTATION_IMAGES=$(rekor-cli get --uuid "$REKOR_UUID" --format json | jq -r .Attestation | jq -r '.subject[]|.name + ":v0.55.0@sha256:" + .digest.sha256')
# Download the release file
curl "$RELEASE_FILE" > release.yaml
# For each image in the attestation, match it to the release file
printf $image; grep -q $image release.yaml && echo " ===> ok" || echo " ===> no match";
- ✨ TEP-0142: Introduce WorkingDir in StepActions (#7461)
Introduce WorkingDir in StepActions
- ✨ Support overriding the SCM type and server URL (#7450)
User are now able to override the global server URL when using the git resolver to allow fetching from multiple git providers.
- ✨ [TEP-0050] Implement PipelineTask OnError (#7422)
Implement "Ignore Task Failure" with new "PipelineTask.OnError" API field (TEP-0050). User can now set pipelineTask.onError: continue
to ignore failure
- 🐛 Fix enum validation with multiple param references (#7481)
bug fix: allow task-level param references multiple pipeline-level params with enum
- 🐛 Fix: do not fail TaskRun for concurrent modification errors (#7467)
fix: taskRuns will not fail for concurrent modification errors when stopping sideCars
- 🐛 Fix validations for Sidecars to be consistent (#7443)
sidecars are now validated at admission webhook
- 🐛 fix: resolve issue where resolutionrequest defaulted to v1alpha1 vs v1beta1 (#7438)
Resolved issue where resolutionrequest defaulted to v1alpha1 when it should be v1beta1
- 🐛 Do not require for entrypoint cancellation (#7430)
ntrypoint cancellation only requires keep-pod-on-cancel: true
- 🐛 Freeze image sha for dind-sidecar example test. (#7498)
- 🐛 FIX: Prevent panic on parameter evaluation (#7488)
- 🐛 change ResultRef.ResultsIndex from int to *int (#7460)
- 🐛 don't return validation error when final tasks failed/skipped (#7407)
- 🔨 Tracing: Add credentialsSecret for basic authentication to remote endpoint (#7238)
Tracing config now includes an additional optional field credentialsSecret
where users can specify the name of a secret. The username and password fields from the secret will be used to authenticate against Tracing collector endpoint.
- 🔨 [TEP-0131] Update Conformance Spec for v1 api types (#7224)
Updates the conformance api spec with v1 api types in line with TEP-131
- 🔨 Error sweep: complete user-facing error messages formats (#7474)
- 🔨 Replace PipelineRunReasonFailedValidation with more granular reasons (#7417)
- 🔨 Error sweep: Move TaskRun Reasons in pkg/pod to pkg/apis (#7406)
- 🔨 Cleanup error message for Step container status (#7405)
- 🔨 Error sweep: add more context for PipelineRunCouldntGetPipeline error message (#7403)
- 🔨 Error sweep: refactor steps termination when failing TaskRun (#7386)
- 🔨 Refactor common util functions for /test (#7369)
- 🔨 Fix showing error message when validation fail (#7509)
- 🔨 Git resolver: validate repo URL (#7482)
- 🔨 Bump github.com/spiffe/spire-api-sdk from 1.8.4 to 1.8.5 (#7463)
- 🔨 Fix some spelling in stepactions.md (#7432)
- 🔨 Remove .envrc and show an example in .envrc.sample (#7429)
- 🔨 Create scorecard.yml (#7409)
- 🔨 Add @JeromeJu as a pipelines maintainer (#7327)
- 🔨 Bump github.com/google/uuid from 1.3.1 to 1.4.0 (#7308)
- 📖 Add
to alpha features table (#7494) - 📖 Fix step actions documentation (#7492)
- 📖 [TEP-0050] Add Ignore Task Failure to alpha table (#7468)
- 📖 Update Feature Flags Documentation (#7445)
- 📖 Update StepActions Documentation (#7441)
- 📖 Fix typos and broken links in StepActions doc (#7431)
- 📖 Make git resolver label explicit (#7428)
- 📖 Update release with v0.54.0 (#7427)
- 📖 Update release cheat sheet (#7425)
Thanks to these contributors who contributed to v0.55.0!
- ❤️ @AlanGreene
- ❤️ @JeromeJu
- ❤️ @QuanZhang-William
- ❤️ @Yongxuanzhang
- ❤️ @aaron-prindle
- ❤️ @afrittoli
- ❤️ @chitrangpatel
- ❤️ @chmouel
- ❤️ @dependabot[bot]
- ❤️ @dibyom
- ❤️ @jerop
- ❤️ @joaosilva15
- ❤️ @kmjayadeep
- ❤️ @vdemeester
Extra shout-out for awesome release notes:
- 😍 @JeromeJu
- 😍 @QuanZhang-William
- 😍 @aaron-prindle
- 😍 @chitrangpatel
- 😍 @chmouel
- 😍 @dibyom
- 😍 @kmjayadeep
- 😍 @vdemeester