I am a MSc student at MIPT. I have been programming for three years and I try something new all the time. Managed to gain experience in system programming in Huawei and ISP RAS. I am also learning Web Backend Development while leading a team, which is developing StudOko Web application in Kotlin/Java for ATP department at MIPT.
Currently developing several projects and working in ISP RAS over a static analyzer Svace by Samsung.
My CV is here.

More stuff about me
Now, I study Data Flow Analysis (DFA) at work and the Rust language in my free time.
[C++] sql2cypher is a unique tool, which allows you to translate your queries when migrating from RDBMS (Microsoft SQL Server) into GDBMS (Neo4j).
[C++] logger is a very lightweight, flexible, simple and universal logger for C++ projects. It supports different formats (in e.g. json), colors, can write logs in some places (files, stdout) and so on.
[Kotlin] StudOko is a web application that will allow the Department of ATP at the MIPT to issue and accept homework for students, control access to a server cluster and department's GitLab.
- Languages: Java, C/C++, Kotlin and a little bit Rust, Python
- DBMS: PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Neo4j
- DevOps: Docker, CI/CD on GitHub and GitLab, Jenkins
- Agile: Scrum & Kanban in Jira
See more in my CV.