What's Changed
- fix coverity reported resource leak and logging in TeragrepSystemStep by @elliVM in #469
- Update ci and coverity workflow by @elliVM in #470
- issue-65: Improve test assertions by @Abigael-JT in #429
- updated schema assertions by @Abigael-JT in #456
- updated schema assertions to use java objects by @Abigael-JT in #447
- remove duplicate dependency nl.jqno.equalsverifier from POM by @elliVM in #472
- throw exception if teragrep datasource is queried when its disabled in config by @elliVM in #475
- add default exception cases for switches to avoid null column values by @elliVM in #483
- Fixes Coverity submission issues by @StrongestNumber9 in #494
- Adds -Dmaven.test.skip.exec=true to coverity by @StrongestNumber9 in #496
- Adds verify to ci.yaml by @StrongestNumber9 in #500
- remove null assignments and check that the map is not empty check by @elliVM in #479
- Coverity 443581 by @Abigael-JT in #492
- Create profile for shaded jar, create rpm and bundle shaded jar there by @StrongestNumber9 in #505
Full Changelog: 8.3.1...8.4.0