Releases: teslajs/tesla-cli
Additional Bower Support
You can now add any bower module when creating a new app with the --bower flag. Simply put a comma separated list of Bower packages (in quotes). For example, to install jQuery, Foundation, Backbone.js & Head.js:
$ tesla myapp --bower "jquery, foundation, backbone, headjs"
This will add all 4 packages to your bower.json file. When the app has been created, run the following command:
$ cd myapp && npm install && tesla install
This will install all npm & bower packages. "tesla install" will also attempt to automatically inject links to all your bower packages into you html templates (stylesheets in the head, script in the footer).
Add Support
You can now enable when initializing your app with the flag:
$ tesla my_app
this will enable in the config, add client to bower and create a sample file in public/js/socket.js
Update with NPM:
$ npm update tesla-cli -g
Add Gulp + Misc Bugfixes
- Clean up build file
- Add Gulp as preferred build tool
- Add support for parse to scaffolding generator
Support for Sass & Less
Everything now works out of the box with both Sass & Less (in addition to Stylus).
- Changed Less module to less-middleware
- Changed Sass module to node-sass
- public/css will now use styles.less, styles.scss or styles.styl file instead of styles.css
Please update to latest source via npm: $ npm update tesla-cli -g
More Automation & Options for CLI Build Tool
Supports the following configurations when generating a new app:
View Engines:
- Handlebars
- Hogan
- Jade
- Mustache
CSS Pre-Processors:
- Less
- Sass
- Stylus
Pre-Installing Front-End Tools With Bower:
- AngluarJS
- Backbone
- Bootstrap
- Ember
- Foundation
- Gumby
- jQuery
- MooTools
- Skeleton
- Zepto.js
Update Node & NPM versions
A small patch updating to current node & npm versions.
Continuous Integration
Setup Travis CI for continuous integration: