BiblioteQ is awesome, open library software. Local and network. Archiving for a very long time.
As of now, Android, MacOS, Ubuntu LTS, and Windows bundles will be manufactured. Everyone else should delegate themselves in the source. There are far too many variations of Debian distributions. For YOU!
- ARM architecture support.
- Administrator roles.
- Alpha architecture support.
- Android!
- Animated confirmations, here and there. Future fun.
- Anti-censorship through digital content.
- Apple Silicon.
- Archive important documents.
- Bar scanners supported indirectly.
- Cataloging of books, dvds, grey literature, journals, magazines, music cds, photograph collections, and video games.
- Cover images with drag and drop support.
- Cover images with paste support.
- Customized displays.
- Customized item data, pricing information, and currencies.
- Documentation.
- Elaborate options. Many options. Very many.
- Embedded hyperlinks for localized searches of similar items.
- Exporting of views to CSV files.
- External applications.
- Files browser.
- Free and Open Source technology.
- FreeBSD, Linux, Mac, OS/2, OpenBSD, Windows, etc.
- Front cover image retrieval via Amazon and Open Library.
- Importing of books from CSV files.
- Internationalization (translation) support. BiblioteQ currently supports Arabic, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
- Item file attachments.
- Item reservation.
- Listings of overdue items, requested items, and reserved items.
- MARC21 and UNIMARC record syntaxes.
- MacOS and Windows install targets: make install.
- Merging of SQLite databases.
- Multiple icon sets.
- Natively compiled on ARM, Alpha, PowerPC, Sparc64, X86, X86_64.
- Network-less!
- Open Library queries for select items.
- Optional item reservation histories for patrons.
- PDF reader via Poppler, where available.
- Parse local MARC tags. Books, journals, magazines.
- Patron information.
- Portable.
- Portable libraries.
- PostgreSQL accounts with various privileges.
- PostgreSQL and SQLite engines.
- PowerPC support.
- Print support, including previews.
- Qt LTS.
- Qt PDF.
- Raspberry Pi!
- Retain the privacy of your memories.
- Rich search capabilities, including custom SQL queries.
- Row-level security policies for PostgreSQL.
- SQL syntax highlighting with custom colors.
- Sparc64 support.
- Support for multiple SRU and Z39.50 sites.
- Support for requesting unavailable items.
- Tabbed item panels!
- Threaded data retrieval via the standard Z39.50 protocol for books, journals, and magazines.
- Transactional database queries.
- True PostgreSQL and SQLite pagination.
- Uniform functionality across various platforms.
- Windows portable.
sudo dpkg -i BiblioteQ-2024.12.20_amd64.deb
sudo apt install -f