This project is for the MPSR project.
First, create a virtual environment by either running
python -m venv venv
going to VS Code and opening the command palette(Ctrl+shift+P) then typing Python: Create Environment
to search and then select the command. You may then select Venv or Conda.
Second, do an installation:
pip install rasa
Third, run a rasa initialization by
rasa init
this should be in the(root) folder you would like your rasa project to be.
now, you can
rasa shell
and see how the chatbot does.
If you haven't set up your ssh keys, follow this.
First, clone the said repo, for this case,
git clone
then create a virtual environment by
python -m venv venv
going to VS Code and opening the command palette(Ctrl+shift+P) then typing Python: Create Environment
to search and then select the command. You may then select Venv or Conda.
Second, do a rasa installation in your root folder of said project. I am assuming pip is already installed, if not, follow this.
Thirdly, begin chatting with your bot by:
rasa shell
For this, you have to run the command
pip install django
then, to create your project run
django-admin startproject mysite
e.g, for this project:
django-admin startproject chatui
For more on Django, follow this.
On the script.js, you change the url from whatever it is to your local host one or what rasa is running on. For my case, I changed it to
For the local testing, make sure you run two seperate instances for django, and for rasa.
python runserver
rasa run --enable-api --cors "*"
Make sure you run those commands on the said projects location. For my case, I ran them on:
(.venv) D:\think\mpsr\bot-mpsr>
(.venv) D:\think\mpsr\chatui>
To do this, follow the commands in the
file, and the Dockerfile too.
Additionally, this document might help.
Always run project(s) in a virtual environment for easy installation of (needed) packages/dependencies.