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AutoHotkey - macro-creation and automation-oriented scripting utility for Windows.


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AutoHotkey_H v2.1

AutoHotkey is a free, open source macro-creation and automation software utility that allows users to automate repetitive tasks. It is driven by a custom scripting language that is aimed specifically at providing keyboard shortcuts, otherwise known as hotkeys.

AutoHotkey_H v2 started as a fork of AutoHotkey_L v2, merge branch HotKeyIt/ahkdll-v2.

Changes from ahkdll

  • The object structure is the same as the AHK_L version.
  • Remove #UseStdLib, and automatically load libraries from resources.
  • Remove the same hot string that defined in multiple threads firing at the same time.
  • Remove NULL, CriticalObject, Struct, sizeof, ObjLoad and ObjDump
  • Remove A_ZipCompressionLevel, specify this value in the last parameter of ZipCreateBuffer or ZipCreateFile or ZipRawMemory.
  • DynaCall object has Param[index] property, used to retrieve and set default parameters, the index is the same as the position of the argument when it is called.
  • CryptAES and Zip functions, parameter Size is not needed when previous parameter is an Object with Ptr and Size properties.
  • ahkExec(LPTSTR script, DWORD aThreadID = 0) Inherits the current scope variable when aThreadID is 0
  • Thread("Terminate", all := false) Terminate the last or all threads, and the timer is only terminating the current
  • FileRead and FileOpen will detect UTF8-RAW when no code page is specified.
  • Dynamic Library separator is | instead :, eg. #include <urldownloadtovar|''>, urldownloadtovar.ahk is a library in lib folder.
  • Change OnMessage(..., hwnd) to Gui.Prototype.OnMessage(Msg, Callback [, AddRemove]), is similar to Gui.Prototype.OnEvent(...)
  • Object literals support quoted property name, v := {'key':val}
  • COM interface in dll module rather than in exe module.
  • The com component has changed for the dll version, some methods are incorporated into IAutoHotkeyLib.
  • Callback functions created through CallbackCreate that are called in other threads will be synchronized to the ahk thread through messages, which may produce unexpected results.
  • Added IAhkApi export class for developing AHK bindings for third-party libraries, the header file is ahkapi.h.
  • Added __thiscall calling conventions supported by DllCall and DynaCall, eg. DllCall(func, params, 'thiscall'), DynaCall(func, 'ret_type=@params_type').
  • Added Decimal class, supports arbitrary precision decimal operations, MsgBox Decimal('0.1') + Decimal('0.2') = '0.3', lib_mpir is required to compile, the source code of mpir
  • Added Array.Prototype.Filter(callback: (value [, index]) => Boolean) => Array
  • Added Array.Prototype.FindIndex(callback: (value [, index]) => Boolean, start_index := 1) => Integer, if start_index less than 0 then reverse lookup
  • Added Array.Prototype.IndexOf(val_to_find, start_index := 1) => Integer
  • Added Array.Prototype.Join(separator := ',') => String
  • Added Array.Prototype.Map(callback: (value [, index]) => Any) => Array
  • Added Array.Prototype.Sort(callback?: (a, b) => Integer) => $this, sort in place and return and the default is random sort
  • Added GuiControl.Prototype.OnMessage(Msg, Callback [, AddRemove]), and Gui.Prototype.OnMessage(Msg, Callback [, AddRemove]), the parameter of the callback has changed, Callback(GuiObj, wParam, lParam, Msg), A_EventInfo is the message posted time.
  • Added Obj[Prop], it's same as Obj.%Prop%
  • Added Obj.Get(Prop [, Default])
  • Support the use of u8str(utf8 string) in DllCall and us in DynaCall

AutoHotkey.dll Module

COM Interfaces

ProgID: AutoHotkey2.Script
CLSID : {934B0E6A-9B50-4248-884B-BE5A9BC66B39} The methods and properties exposed by the Lib object are defined in ahklib.idl, in the IAutoHotkeyLib interface.

How to Compile

AutoHotkey is developed with Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022, which is a free download from Microsoft.

  • Get the source code.
  • Open AutoHotkeyx.sln in Visual Studio.
  • Select the appropriate Build and Platform.
  • Build.

The project is configured in a way that allows building with Visual Studio 2012 or later, but only the 2022 toolset is regularly tested. Some newer C++ language features are used and therefore a later version of the compiler might be required.

Developing in VS Code

AutoHotkey v2 can also be built and debugged in VS Code.


Build Configurations

AutoHotkeyx.vcxproj contains several combinations of build configurations. The main configurations are:

  • Debug: AutoHotkey.exe in debug mode.
  • Release: AutoHotkey.exe for general use.
  • Self-contained: AutoHotkeySC.bin, used for compiled scripts.

Secondary configurations are:

  • (mbcs): ANSI (multi-byte character set). Configurations without this suffix are Unicode.
  • .dll: Builds an experimental dll for use hosting the interpreter, such as to enable the use of v1 libraries in a v2 script. See


AutoHotkeyx.vcxproj includes the following Platforms:

  • Win32: for Windows 32-bit.
  • x64: for Windows x64.

AutoHotkey supports Windows XP with or without service packs and Windows 2000 via an asm patch (win2kcompat.asm). Support may be removed if maintaining it becomes non-trivial. Older versions are not supported.


AutoHotkey - macro-creation and automation-oriented scripting utility for Windows.







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  • C++ 73.2%
  • C 26.6%
  • Assembly 0.1%
  • AutoHotkey 0.1%
  • PowerShell 0.0%
  • Batchfile 0.0%