Convert a string to mOcKiNgCaSe.
Read more on wikipedia Studly caps.
Inspired by the meme Mocking Spongebob and
$ npm install mockingcase --save
const mOcKiNgCaSe = require('mockingcase');
// es6 - import mOcKiNgCaSe from 'mockingcase';
// ts - import * as mOcKiNgCaSe from 'mockingcase';
// ts - import mOcKiNgCaSe = require('mockingcase');
//=> 'fOo-bAr'
mOcKiNgCaSe('aa', {random: false});
//=> 'aA'
mOcKiNgCaSe('aa', {random: true});
//=> 'aa'
//=> 'aA'
//=> 'Aa'
//=> 'AA'
//=> '42fOo!bAr'
mOcKiNgCaSe('aa123', {onlyLetters: true});
//=> 'aA'
mOcKiNgCaSe('a13%$a', {onlyLetters: true});
//=> 'aA'
mOcKiNgCaSe('foo bar', {firstUpper: true});
//=> 'FoO BaR'
mOcKiNgCaSe('foo', {firstUpper: true, random: true});
//=> 'Foo'
//=> 'FOo'
//=> 'FoO'
//=> 'FOO'
//=> 'fOoBaR'
//=> Error "An input is required"
mOcKiNgCaSe.log('foo bar');
// console.log('fOo bAr');
// Optionally create String.prototype.toMockingCase
//=> 'fOo_bAr'
'foo_bar'.toMockingCase({firstUpper: true});
//=> 'FoO_BaR'
// Optionally overrides console.log and returns a mOcKiNgCaSe object
//=> 'hElLo'
const mOcKiNgCaSe = require('mockingcase').overrideConsole();
// => 'fOoBaR'
// => 'fOoBaR'
// Optionally create an initial config with default options
const mOcKiNgCaSe = require('mockingcase').config({onlyLetters: true, firstUpper: true});
// const mOcKiNgCaSe = mOcKiNgCaSe.config({onlyLetters: true, firstUpper: true});
mOcKiNgCaSe('foo bar42');
//=> 'FoO BaR'
mOcKiNgCaSe('foo bar42', {onlyLetters: false, firstUpper: false});
//=> 'fOo bAr42'
- mOcKiNgCaSe(input, [options]) ⇒
- mOcKiNgCaSe.overrideString() ⇒
- String.prototype.toMockingCase([options]) ⇒
- mOcKiNgCaSe.config(defaultOptions) ⇒
- mOcKiNgCaSe.log(input, [options])
- mOcKiNgCaSe.overrideConsole([options]) ⇒
Converts the input string(s) to mOcKiNgCaSe.
Kind: global function
Returns: string
- string in mOcKiNgCaSe
Param | Type | Default | Description |
input | string | string[] |
String(s) to be converted | |
[options] | object |
{random: false, onlyLetters: false, firstUpper: false} |
Conversion options |
options.random | boolean |
false |
If case conversion should be randomized |
options.onlyLetters | boolean |
false |
If non letters characters should be removed |
options.firstUpper | boolean |
false |
If the first letter should be capitalized instead of the second when converting to mOcKiNgCaSe (e.g. MoCkInGcAsE). When combined with options.random , the first letter of the random string will be capitalized |
Creates String.prototype.toMockingCase()
Kind: global function
Returns: mOcKiNgCaSe
- The mOcKiNgCaSe module.
See: toMockingCase
Converts this
string to mOcKiNgCaSe.
NOTE: this function is created by invoking mOcKiNgCaSe.overrideString()
Kind: prototype
Returns: string
- local string in mOcKiNgCaSe
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[options] | object |
{random: false, onlyLetters: false, firstUpper: false} |
Conversion options |
options.random | boolean |
false |
If case conversion should be randomized |
options.onlyLetters | boolean |
false |
If non letters characters should be removed |
options.firstUpper | boolean |
false |
If the first letter should be capitalized instead of the second when converting to mOcKiNgCaSe (e.g. MoCkInGcAsE). When combined with options.random , the first letter of the random string will be capitalized |
Outputs a mOcKiNgCaSe with default options.
Kind: static method of mOcKiNgCaSe
Returns: mOcKiNgCaSe with default options
Param | Type | Default | Description |
defaultOptions | object |
Options for converting | |
defaultOptions.random | boolean |
false |
If case conversion should be randomized |
defaultOptions.onlyLetters | boolean |
false |
If non letters characters should be removed |
defaultOptions.firstUpper | boolean |
false |
If the first letter should be capitalized instead of the second when converting to mOcKiNgCaSe (e.g. MoCkInGcAsE). When combined with options.random , the first letter of the random string will be capitalized |
Outputs a message to the console in mOcKiNgCaSe.
Kind: static method of mOcKiNgCaSe
Param | Type | Default | Description |
input | string | string[] |
String(S) to be converted | |
[options] | object |
{random: false, onlyLetters: false, firstUpper: false} |
Conversion options |
options.random | boolean |
false |
If case conversion should be randomized |
options.onlyLetters | boolean |
false |
If non letters characters should be removed |
options.firstUpper | boolean |
false |
If the first letter should be capitalized instead of the second when converting to mOcKiNgCaSe (e.g. MoCkInGcAsE). When combined with options.random , the first letter of the random string will be capitalized |
Overrides the console.log input annd prints it in the mOcKiNgCaSe.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[options] | object |
{random: false, onlyLetters: false, firstUpper: false} |
Conversion options |
options.random | boolean |
false |
If case conversion should be randomized |
options.onlyLetters | boolean |
false |
If non letters characters should be removed |
options.firstUpper | boolean |
false |
If the first letter should be capitalized instead of the second when converting to mOcKiNgCaSe (e.g. MoCkInGcAsE). When combined with options.random , the first letter of the random string will be capitalized |
See also Mockingcase bindings for ReasonML