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Native store for react-native



  • Xcode 8+
  • iOS 9+


  • Minimum SDK 16


Run npm install --save native-store to add the package to your app's dependencies.


react-native cli

Run react-native link native-store so your project is linked against your Xcode project and all CocoaPods dependencies are installed.


  1. Open your project in Xcode workspace.
  2. Drag the following folder into your project:
  • node_modules/native-store/ios/TPSStore/


  1. Open your project in Xcode, right click on Libraries and click Add Files to "Your Project Name".
  2. Look under node_modules/native-store/ios and add TPSStore.xcodeproj.
  3. Add libTPSStore.a to Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries.
  4. Click on TPSStore.xcodeproj in Libraries and go the Build Settings tab. Double click the text to the right of Header Search Paths and verify that it has $(SRCROOT)/../../react-native/React - if they aren't, then add them. This is so Xcode is able to find the headers that the TPSStore source files are referring to by pointing to the header files installed within the react-native node_modules directory.
  5. Whenever you want to use it within React code now you can:
  • import Storage from 'native-store'


react-native cli

Run react-native link native-store so your project is linked against your Android project


In your app build.gradle add:

dependencies {
 compile project(':native-store')

In your settings.gradle add:

include ':native-store'
project(':native-store').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/native-store/android')


Let's require native-store module:

import Storage from 'native-store'

To change store state from React use:


To get the current state of native store use:

const state = await Storage.getState()

To subscribe on store state changes use:

this.unsubscribe = Storage.subscribe(this.yourFunction)

As a result you will get unsubscribe function.

Don't forget to unsubscribe, typically you can do it in componentWillUnmount

  componentWillUnmount() {


Local CI

To run native-store unit tests and example app e2e tests for all platforms you can use npm run ci command.


  1. Go to example folder cd example
  2. Install npm dependencies npm install
  3. Build project:
  • npm run build:ios - for iOS
  • npm run build:android - for Android
  • npm run build - for both iOS and Android
  1. Open Appium in other tab npm run appium
  2. Run tests:
  • npm run test:ios - for iOS
  • npm run test:android - for Android
  • npm run test - for both iOS and Android


You might encounter the following error while trying to run tests:

An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Command \'/bin/bash Scripts/ -d\' exited with code 1

You can fix it by installing Carthage:

brew install carthage


To see more of the native-store in action, you can check out the source in example folder.


native-store is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.