Python3 implementation of GLMCC (generalized linear model for spike cross-correlogram).
Note that this code is not reviewed by original authors. This code is a refactored version and can be used in a sklearn-like style.
- Original paper: Kobayashi, R., Kurita, S., Kurth, A. et al. Reconstructing neuronal circuitry from parallel spike trains. Nat Commun 10, 4468 (2019).
- Original code:
- clone this repository to your local environment.
- At the root of this repository, run
pip install .
. - After successfully installing GLMCC, you can use the module by ordinary import.
from glmcc import GLMCC # model
from glmcc import spiketime_relative
spiketrains = {
1: [],
2: [],
# ... #
} # prepare your spiketrain data [ms]
# relative spiketime (target - reference)
t_sp = spiketime_relative(spiketime_tar=spiketrains[TARGET_NEURON_ID],
spiketime_ref=spiketrains[REFERENCE_NEURON_ID], window_size=50.0)
glm = GLMCC(delay=1.0) # tune synaptic delay [ms]
glm.summary() # print fitting summary
print(glm.theta[-2], glm.theta[-1]) # estimated synaptic weights
For details, please take a look at the notebook in examples
directory with sample data.