Our dashboard presents up to date data since Feb, 2020 regarding COVID Cases and vaccination progress in the United States, including Puerto Rico and Guam.
Source of the data is www.covidactnow.com
All the information is organized and presented by state. We have 4 sections in the dashboard:
- Vaccinations administered and the percentage of the unused vaccines.
- The percentage of population that has been vaccinated against COVID
- A comparative chart of daily covid cases and the cumulative of vaccinated people to verify reduction of new cases as result of vaccination.
- An interactive map U.S. with % of deaths and COVID cases relative to the state population
What conclusion can be drawn today reading from the dashboard :
- In every single state, as the vaccination started there’s direct correlation reducing the number of new COVID cases reported.
- The states with the largest percentage of population vaccinated is Vermont with 55.4%, followed by Maine with 54.4% and Connecticut with 53.4% and these states show better utilization of distributed vaccines, meaning smaller fraction of wasted vaccines.
- The two states with the smallest percentage of population vaccinated are Mississippi 27.1% Alabama with 29.2%
- The 2 states with the largest number of cases reported in one day were California with over 40K cases and TX with over 36K.
- In the map, we have reported COVID cases and fatalities COVID relative to total population. The marker size represents the percentage cases and the color represents the fatalities percentage. The 3 states with the largest number of fatalities per capita are NY, Massachusetts and Rode Island. Another, conclusion that can be obtained from the map, is the average percentage of fatalities relative to population due to COVID is around 0,2%.
Team Members: Brandy Knust Tyler Nguyen Adolfo Prieto Oscar Sanguino.
- GitHub link contains all the files.
- HTML file is found in the "Flask_Setup" directory.
- In oder to download the data and feed the html and *.js file the app.py file must be run first. This file is found in the "Data" directory
- Numbers presented above are taken until Jun, 1, 2021.
Rough Breakdown of Tasks:
- Data identification
- Data extraction
- Data cleanup (SQL, Pandas)
- Data aggregation (SQL, Pandas)
- Data analysis
- Data visualization (D3, Plotly, Leaflet, JavaScript, HTML)
- Summary
- Documentation
- Presentation