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Stax 1.1.6

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@tomtheisen tomtheisen released this 10 Aug 04:14
· 133 commits to master since this release

Stax 1.1.6

The web UI some changes.

  • A syntax for compressed integer literals is introduced. They look like string literals followed by %, which previously calculated the literal length. For example 8479773284726973836978 can be represented by " s3BqIr!fqmn"%. Don't worry about why; there's a tool to convert for you.
  • There's a new "Tools" panel in the web UI where the perma-link options, compression tools, and examples have been moved.
  • There are a few additional tools in there too.
    • Layout options to move around the input and debug panes
    • New literal compressions: single integer (as mentioned above) and unicode-aware string compressor. e.g. "π is a fundamental constant" is "compressed" to "sru1&WI(l&G(G&Q]?K/QCE9pM(]&KQ'5%pU:"!, which doesn't really look shorter. But it is ASCII, so a program that includes it can still be packed.
    • There is a button to compress all literals in a program inline. For instance "code"P"golf"P will turn into `~x`P`K0!`P. It might be a little buggy.
  • On load, the web UI will attempt to load the last program out of sessionStorage. This might be useful if you accidentally navigated away before saving a stax masterpiece, or perhaps a staxterpiece.

There are also some new instructions and bug fixes.

  • New instruction: |j "rationalizes" a floating point number. For example 1.8 -> 9/5. Internally, this uses a Stern-Brocot binary search, only slightly different. This instruction represents the majority of effort in this release, even though it's only a few lines of code.
  • New instruction: |N gets the rounded-down nth root of a number. For example 130 3 -> 5.
  • New instruction: :a gets the binary representation of a number as a string, in a specified fixed width. For example 22 8 -> "00010110".
  • And another one for hexadecimal: :h. For example 30 4 -> "001e"
  • New instruction: :N tests whether an integer is a specified nth power. For example, 64 6 -> 1.
  • Bug fix: When a shorthand generator is followed by an unbalanced trailing }, the default generator block ^ was not applied. This is probably the most esoteric and pointless stax bug that will ever exist. Maybe? Anyway, 1{G}g3}2% now correctly produces 1, 3, 5 instead of 1, 1, 1.
  • Bug fix: |q for integer square root was inaccurate for very large values. It was implemented using 64-bit floats. Obviously that was never going to work.
  • 1.2e3-style floating point literals can be understood by the implicit input eval, as well as the e instruction.
  • In regex replace R, when a block is used for the replacer, numbers are now implicitly converted to strings, eliminating the need to use $ to convert to string.
  • The modulus instruction % returns the first operand when the second is zero. It just felt right.
  • The multiplicity operator :/ is supposed to test the number of times that one number can evenly divide another. When the first number is zero, just return infinity rather than looping forever.