🚀 Free Astro Landing page starter
Apr 27, 2024 - SCSS
Astro is a static site builder that delivers lightning-fast performance with a modern developer experience. 100% Static HTML, No JS: Astro renders your entire page to static HTML, removing all JavaScript from your final build by default.
🚀 Free Astro Landing page starter
Sendit is a polished, marketing website template for Astro.
🚀 Free Astro + Bulma + Alpine JS sample app
📦️ This repository that contains an Astro template ready for any website you can imagine. It's like a Swiss Army knife for developers, offering pre-built modules and flexible configurations to kickstart your project, regardless of its type.
Nueva version del poratfolio
Travis's static site template using Astro
Personal site of @naiyerasif
A starter project to take on a Frontend Mentor challenge. Build with Astro, with a basic configuration, utility classes and Tailwind CSS. Comes with a GitHub action to automatically deploy the project to GitHub Pages.
Frontend Mentor Challenge | Space tourism multi-page website hub
Frontend Mentor challenge "Advice Generator App" using CSS Flexbox and Grid, Accessibility best practices, CSS Animations and the Fetch API for the random advices.
Personal portfolio site
Frontend Mentor challenge "NFT Preview Card Component" using CSS Flexbox and Grid, Accessibility best practices and CSS Animations.
Repo do meu site pessoal.
Astro V5.Beta + Tailwind V4.Alpha + Radix Color
Created by Fred Schott and Nate Moore
Released August 09, 2022
Latest release 4 days ago